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Our Digital Projects

COVID19 Priority Projects:

ELE Resilience

Will deliver improvements to reliabilityresilience and capacity for our virtual learning environment Moodle (ELE) capable of reliably supporting the significant change in the demand model and usage of our virtual learning environment expected as a result of Covid 19 thereby enabling the University to offer education to students remotely, reducing the impact of not being able to deliver education on campus. 

Virtual Applications

Will deliver an online access capability for applications currently provided by the Student Cluster PCs via a reliable and supported online applications delivery platform thus enabling students to access what they need to support their learning from wherever they are located during term time.  We will deliver 1700 online clients (PCs) fully matching our physical clients in cluster areas on campus. 

Collaborative tools

This project will deliver collaborative and integrated technology e.g. TEAMS, Zoom, Panopto to support and facilitate teaching in various modes including face-to-face, remote, synchronous and asynchronous, thereby enabling educators and students to adapt, communicateinteract and maintain continuity of learning whether or not they are on campus. 

LinkedIn learning 

Will deliver an online educational platform allowing staff and students to develop skills through a range of searchable resources on a wide range of topics, including courses specifically aimed at Higher Education and focusing on digital and blended teaching delivery. 

SafeZone Emergency Messaging

SafeZone will deliver an emergency messaging service for the University’s staff and students.  It will replace the ConnectTxt service currently used to send Emergency mobile text messages which will cease to be available from the current supplier from July 2020 

Exams ref/def

This project is enabling all ref/def exams in August to be provided online and remotely allowing all students to complete their examinations and progress onto the next stage of their learning.   

Project experience

Project Experience is providing a ‘shop front’ which will link all of the relevant tasks and information for students, enabling them to progress seamlessly through their first term at Exeter ensuring progression and inclusivity for all students regardless if they are resident in the UK or abroad.  The ‘shop-front’ will address key student concerns regarding accessing relevant information and will enable them to track their progress through their journey.

Track and Trace

The aim of this project is to deliver a speedy testing option outside of the mobile testing centres and mail order service. This will enable the university to control the delivery of testing and receive notification of a positive test. The solution will also provide the Government with additional information identifying interactions anyone with a positive case has had with staff and students on Campus.  The solution will use UoE Wi-Fi access points to provide the data for track and trace.

Student Hardship Fund

This project will provide a workflow management system for the student hardship team to process applications for Students requiring financial support. Students will be able to track the progress of their application online and contact with students can be made via a secure web site.

Confirmation and Clearing

This project will implement and test the systems required to support Confirmation and Clearing in August 2020. This will include load testing systems to ensure they can accommodate the expected volumes of potential students contacting the University.

Website Resilience

This project will increase the availability and reliability of the University’s website specifically focusing on Confirmation and Clearing & main page content. This will significantly reduce the risk that students cannot access the Confirmation and Clearing system during August.  The intention is to remove any dependence on our Exeter infrastructure