Change of Programme Status

Programme Withdrawals and Interruptions

Where a Faculty decides to withdraw or interrupt a programme, consideration should be given to the guidance available in Section 5.8 of the Approval and Revision of Taught Modules and Programmes (ARTMAP) Handbook: Changing the Award/Title or Status of a Programme.

To request a programme is withdrawn or interrupted, complete a Change of Status Form for the Faculty Quality Enhancement Team to review and process accordingly.

The ideal time for the withdrawal or interruption of a programme is prior to the start of the recruitment cycle.

To guarantee processing before the recruitment cycle opens, it is recommended that withdrawals and interruptions are submitted by the Business Approval deadlines (please see below).

Any withdrawals following the start of recruitment activities can be reputationally damaging and require that all applicants are informed and alternative offers made to any offer holders. 

Please see our Student Consumer Rights Document in relation to Changing Modules and Programmes for additional information.

Programme Reinstatement

Where Faculties wish to reinstate a programme, this should be requested in accordance with the stated deadlines by using the Change of Status Form found in Annex 2 of the ARTMAP Handbook, which will notify the relevant Faculty Quality Enhancement Team.


Faculties should be mindful that the same deadlines for Changes of Status apply as for New Programmes:

  • Undergraduate: 25th November for offerings commencing 22 months hence, 
    e.g. 25th November 2023 for an offering commencing in Autumn 2025.

  • Postgraduate: 15th June for offerings commencing 15 months hence, 
    e.g. 15th June 2024 for an offering commencing in Autumn 2025.