New Programmes

The new programme approval process confirms that the University meets the expectations of the Quality Assurance Agency (Quality Code) for the development of academic programmes and that the quality of provision and the academic standards are consistent with the relevant Qualifications Framework

The process also ensures that any proposal aligns with Department and Faculty Business Plans and has been through a full business case to understand the financial and market viability and any potential risks. 

The process involves three stages:

  • Viability Assessment – The lead proposer/department outlines the proposal, including academic rationale, strategic fit and likely market demand through a Market Insights report.

  • Business Approval – This stage builds upon the Viability Assessment to develop the full programme business case, including evidence of the programme’s financial viability, the full programme structure and identification of any delivery risks.
  • Academic Approval – This stage uses internal and external expertise to finalise and evaluate the detail of the proposed programme (e.g. learning, teaching and assessment methods).

Please note, existing programmes undergoing significant amendments must follow the new programme approval process.

For a flowchart of the New Programme Approval / Significant Amendment process please see Programme Approval Flowchart.

For a flowchart of the Academic Approval stage of the process, please see Academic Approval Flowchart.

Deadlines for New Programme Business Approvals are as follows:

New Programmes: Business Approval Deadlines

  • Undergraduate: 25th November for offerings commencing 22 months hence,
    e.g. 25th November 2023 for an offering commencing in Autumn 2025.

  • Postgraduate: 15th June for offerings commencing 15 months hence,
    e.g. 15th June 2024 for an offering commencing in Autumn 2025.

Detailed advice on new programme approval can be found in the Approval and Revision of Taught Modules and Programmes Handbook.

The New Programme Approval Form, and a Guidance document which supports its completion, can be found below. 

If you wish to set up a new programme, please contact the Programme Design Team in the first instance, at

Further information regarding Online, Degree Apprenticeship and Postgraduate Research Programmes and the support available from the Learning Design Team can be found below.

The University’s Centre for Online offers a number of programmes on a range of subjects.

Development of online programmes is supported by the Centre for Online, with support from University services including Programme Design during the approval stages.  Support is also provided by the Learning Design and Learning Development teams, who provide full curriculum development advice and support for online programmes.

Please contact to discuss a proposal for an online programme.

If you wish to set up a new Degree Apprenticeship programme, please contact Melanie Shaw.

Development of PGR programmes and Professional Doctorates is supported by the Educational Policy, Quality and Standards Team. Further information can be found on their pages at: PGR Programme Approval.

The Learning Design Team focuses on the intersection of pedagogy and technology.  The team works alongside the Programme Design Team to support programme and curriculum design at various stages of the programme development process. 

When developing a new programme or module for Academic Approval, programme leads are encouraged to consider the process of learning design to support optimal module delivery and assessment.

The following resources will help you to shape module aims and ILOs, aligned with an authentic context for assessments, and design suitable teaching and learning activities. 

You may wish to watch the following presentations to learn more about completing a Module Descriptor template:  

Learning Design Guide part 1: Key learning design principles
Learning Design Guide part 2: Key questions for each stage of the process 

The following document contains a shorter set of prompts outlining the process for quick reference: Guiding Questions for Learning Design Process.docx

The flowchart below gives an indication of the point at which the Learning Design team support can be incorporated into the Academic Approval process.

The Learning Design Team can also review any modules that require frequent amendment to ILO’s, to better align them with assessment. If the initial learning design is done purposefully, hopefully we can minimise workload resulting from further changes being needed in the future.

Contact for further advice.