
Performance is one of three key aims of the Professional Services Strategy.

Performance focuses on ensuring we embed a culture of continuous improvement so we consistently strive to be the best we can be, and become recognised as the UK’s sector-leading provider of the most efficient and effective professional services.

We will achieve this by:

  • ensuring the University’s values are used by leaders and individuals to guide our behaviour in terms of how we go about delivering our personal, team and service objectives, with the Above and Beyond scheme being used to recognise exemplar approaches
  • using data to assess the quality of the service we provide by developing a professional services dashboard – this will help us to identify and rectify problems early, celebrate and build on success, and enable us to invest in activities that will have the biggest impact
  • creating a new people development strategy that will provide a structured and appropriately resourced development plan for all job families, opportunities for career development and networking, a new leadership and management programme, and a series of best practice toolkits and guidance to support and share new ways of working.

What have we already achieved and what future plans do we have?

  • Continue to create and develop a series ofbest practice toolkits and guidance to support and share new ways of working, e.g. email practices, sharing of calendars, managing meetings, etc.
  • Review how well the ePDR system has helped to reflect the University values, and identify any action to strengthen this.
  • Create a series of short video profiles to exemplify the values (revisit existing materials, develop materials and identify individual, produce videos).
  • Develop networks (coaching, mentoring, specialist networks, shadowing)

How can I get involved?

A number of discussion groups will be held in early 2019.  The discussion groups will be open to all colleagues to attend and share their thoughts on how the current projects, as well as any new projects, can be progressed.