Our People
We are a large and diverse service of over 230 staff. Read below some case studies of our staff who have developed their careers with us.
Sara joined the University in 2010 as a Laboratory Assistant in the Biosciences Departmental teaching laboratory. She briefly moved to a role in industry in 2015 before returning to Exeter the same year as an Assistant Laboratory Manage in the Medical Sciences and Imaging teaching laboratories on our St Luke's campus.
During her time as Assistant Lab Manager, Sara became actively involved ina wide range of events and initiatives in Technical Services. She was a founding member of the Technician's Commitment Committee and represented Technical Services at Exeter at a range of external and outreach events, including the Big Bang Fair, New Scientist Live, and the Technician Commitment Signatory event in 2019. Sara achieved Registered Scientist with the Institute of Science and Technology in 2018 and that year went on to successfully apply for the role of Technical Services Manager for the Centre for Medical Mycology, making the transition from a teaching to a research focused environment. Sara has also played a lead role in the organisation of our 2018 and 2019 Technical Sercvices Conferences, and is currently working towards Chartered Scientist status with the IST.
Sara told us, "My advice to other technicians is to be proactive in building a strong network of contacts. Technical Services at Exeter cover a broad range of disciplines and skillsets - use this to make connections, support each other, and encourage mentor-mentee relationships wherever you can. These relationships have been invaluable to my career progression.
Sam joined the Universtiy of Exeter in 2012 as a Lab Assistant in the department of Sport and Health Sciences (SHS) on our St Luke's Campus. In 2015 he successfully applied for a secondment opportunity in the College of Medicine and Health (CMH) and spent two years as a manager in the Learning Support Research Centre, also at St Luke's. In 2017, Sam returned to a full time role as Laboratory Manager in SHS and a year later enrolled on a level 6 apprenticeship course studying Applied Business Management, leading to a Chartered Management qualification. Sam spent some time balancing a split role between SHS and CMH with a role as Facilities Coordinator for the then newly established Mireille Gillings Neuroimaging Centre, before coming back to Sports and Health Science full time as Senior Laboratory Manager. Sam is a member of the Technician Commitment Working Group.
Sam told us, "During my time working in Technical Services, I have sought to develop and progress by undertaking extra qualifications. I have been supported by both my line manager and Technical Services to receive funding, undetake coursessuch as a degree apprenticeship and to complete the ILM level 3 leadership and management qualification, both of which have helped me learn and develop management skills to support my career progression."
Gina joined the University of Exeter's Sequencing Service in 2017 as a Laboratory Technician Apprentice working towards a level 3 BTEC. She subsequently achieved a distinction and went on to successfully apply for a permanent role at the university in the sequencing team. Gina has continued with her studies and is now enrolled on a level 5 Laboratory Scientist course with South Devon Colelge. Gina's specialist skills allow her to support sequencing projects on the MiSeq and NovaSeq 6000. She undertakes DNA sample preparation following protocols including Nextera XT, NEB Ultra, and 1S Swift, and is currently in the process of starting to undertake RADSeq, RNASeq and TruSeq sample preparations.
Gina is now an integral member of the team in the sequencing service; we feel exceptionally lucky to have such a dedicated and talented member of staff and look forward to seeing her career flourish.
Gina told us, "When I started my apprenticeship back in 2017, I had no previous knowledge or understanding of DNA sequencing. It was as much of a challenge for my colleagues to take me on, as it was for me starting a role with no knowledge! I have had incredible support over the past 3 years, and that support structure has most certainly contributed to my recent achievements. I have just started a Higher Apprenticeship to expand my knowledge and to gain the relevant qualifications for me to progress further. No two days are the same, and I am still gaining new practical and theoretical skills daily. I cannot wait to see where this opportunity takes me in the future."
Steve joined the University of Exeter's Clinical Research Facility in 2012 as a Research Technician working alongside UoE and NHS colleagues to deliver technical support to the EU-funded "Diabetes Research on Patient Stratification (DIRECT)" study. In 2017 he became a member of the Institute for Science and Technology (IST) and begun work towards becoming a Registered Scientist, which he achieved the following year. In 2018 he successfully applied for a secondment opportunity in the newly established Living Systems Institute, where he was responsible for delivering the technical operations to laboratories supporting 27 research groups across three science colleges. In the same year, Steve became a mentor and assessor for the IST and has held multiple workshops at Exeter for staff interested in professional accreditation. In 2020, Steve successfully applied for the role of Technical Services Business Partner for the College and Engineering, Mathematics, and Physical Sciences (now Faculty Partner for Environment, Science & Economy (Exeter)), and is working towards Charted Scientist status with the IST.
Steve told us, "I have found Technical Services an excellent environment to develop my skills and knowledge alongside providing a service to my academic colleagues. The encouragement from my managers and leaders in Technical Services has helped me to achieve my goals. Each opportunity and apparently set back has helped me to move forward and in turn I have tried to encourage my own team. In this way, Technical Services continues to develop the University of Exeter's technical staff, whether in terms of role, grade, skillset, or personal growth."