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2023 International Student Recruitment video profiling event in Exeter - FULLY BOOKED

We are delighted to invite you back to Exeter to attend our exclusive event for former international students where we would like to film alumni guests talking about their experiences at Exeter and their career highlights since graduating.

Event details

Please note: This event is now fully booked 

You are part of a specially selected group of alumni who are invited to the events and to take part in the filming. Sharing your story as a video career profile will be of huge benefit to help attract new students from around the world to apply to study with us and helps to inspire of where their Exeter degree could lead.

Location: Reed Hall, Exeter EX4 4QR (#14 on campus map)

If you cannot attend these events but would like to take participate in the filming at your workplace, please email us We will be organising several film shoots with our alumni around the UK and abroad over the next few months, and we’re very interested to hear from anyone with an inspiring story they’d like to tell our potential future international students.