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Big Data Challenges Series

Disparate Data Sets

Event details


The Big Data Challenges Series is hosted by Exeter’s newly formed Data Science Network and The Exeter Initiative for Statistics and its Applications (ExIStA).

The two hour session will include three twenty minute presentations and networking time to promote discussions within the group. The seminar series is aimed at encouraging interdisciplinary research collaborations and grant proposals.

Session two: disparate data sets.


14:00 - Introduction and welcome from Professor Richard Everson

Presentations, each followed by five minutes of questions

14:10 - Leak detection in water systems using disparate Big Data sets - Professor Zoran Kapelan

14:35 - Use of Big Data for assessing clinical effectiveness - Professor William Henley

15:00 - The promise and problematic of studying twitter data - Dr Sam Kinsley

15.25 - Networking opportunity with tea, coffee and cake

15:50 - Plenary and closing summary with funding opportunities and information on upcoming events

16:00 - Close


Please register for this event using the details below.

Other events in the Big Data Challenges series:

Methodologies and Analytics - 7 May 2014

Data Visualization Workshop in conjunction with the Exeter Imaging Network (EIN) - 28 January 2015

Big_Data_Challenge_workshop_intro_future_events_and_funding.pdfIntroduction and funding opportunities (240K)


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