IHR Seminar: Frailty: Recent clinical advances and next steps for research
Speaker: Dr Andy Clegg, Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Geriatrician, University of Leeds and Bradford Teaching Hospitals.
A seminar | |
Date | 8 September 2017 |
Time | 12:30 to 13:30 |
Place | South Cloisters Room 3.06 |
Organizer | Vicki Goodwin |
Event details
PenCLAHRC/Complex Intervention Research Group Seminar
Andy led the development, validation and national implementation of an electronic frailty index (eFI) using routine primary care electronic health record data from around 900,000 patients in the ResearchOne and THIN databases as part of the NIHR CLAHRC YH programme. He is PI for the Home-based Extended Rehabilitation for Older People (HERO) trial, which is a multi-centre RCT evaluation of a home-based exercise intervention for older people with frailty after acute illness or injury (n=718), funded by the NIHR HTA programme. The HERO trial is a collaboration between the University of Leeds and University of Exeter.
Andy is also joint PI for an NIHR Programme Grant to optimise and evaluate personalised care planning to improve quality of life for older people with frailty, which will lead to a definitive cluster RCT evaluation involving 2,000 participants across 40 general practices. He is also PI for the Community Ageing Research 75+ (CARE 75+) study, which is a multi-site prospective cohort study using a 'Trial within Cohort' design to investigate frailty, disability and quality of life trajectories in older age, and evaluate interventions (target n=1,000).The CARE 75+ study is funded by the NIHR CLAHRC YH programme, with Vicki Goodwin as local PI in the South West. Andy also led the authorship of a highly cited Lancet review on frailty in elderly people http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(12)62167-9/abstract
Please let Vicki Goodwin know if you plan to attend v.goodwin@exeter.ac.uk
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