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Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

We have been on a journey of reflection on our culture and how we take our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion further. This has been informed by our key initiatives, including the Provost Commission, our Speak Out GuardiansValuesWidening Participation plans and feedback from our staff and student community.

At the University, our values – Community, Inclusion, Discovery, Excellence and Respect – are at the very heart of everything we do. 

We've used them to guide the creation of our strategy ensuring our goals and future successes reflect the type of institution we are – Leading the progress towards creating a fair, socially just and inclusive society. We also use them to guide the way we behave so we continue to be a University that has a thriving, diverse and global community.

Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Wellbeing, Inclusion and Culture Committee (FWICC)

Group discussion around a table

The purpose of the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Wellbeing Inclusion and Culture Committee (FWICC) is to lead an ongoing process of collaboration towards making the Faculty, and wider University of Exeter, a place in which all staff and students can thrive in a diverse and globally-engaged community, in accordance with Vision 2030.  It will be accountable for the development and implementation of strategies arising from University, Faculty and Departmental initiatives towards this goal. 

It will attend to and regularly review its own practices to ensure it models inclusive working (e.g. across and between academic/PS job families), and will adopt an enabling approach that will draw upon diverse strengths and expertise, including the commission of subgroups to undertake specific tasks and make recommendations.  These will cover initiatives arising from actions to address inequalities centring on protected characteristics (e.g. race and ethnicity, disability, LGBTQI+, gender), the wider portfolio of initiatives under the remit of the University of Exeter’s WICC committee, as well as Faculty and Departmental-led priorities, as appropriate.