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Clinical Academic Training Hub

Vicki Goodwin

Current Position: Professor of Ageing and Rehabilitation
Research Field: I am interested in ageing and rehabilitation, particularly outside of the hospital setting. My research has a focus on those living with frailty, Parkinson’s, falls and a bit on dementia. I am particularly keen to work with those with lived experience to help inform and shape the research to ensure it meets their needs. 

Why did you decide to undertake clinical academic training and what pathway have you taken so far? 

I am a physiotherapist and always been interested in research but as an Allied Health Professional, there were very few opportunities to get involved in research. After getting some funding to do some preliminary research I got an NIHR Doctoral fellowship in 2006 (2nd attempt). I’ve been lucky to be supported by NIHR PenARC since then and their support has enabled me to climb the academic ladder. 

Why did you choose to conduct your clinical academic training at the University of Exeter and what are some of the highlights?

I lived locally and my family circumstances meant it wasn’t possible to move elsewhere. My highlights have been supporting the next generation to realise their potential.  

What challenges have you faced during your clinical academic training and how have you overcome these?

There is a complete lack of clinical academic appointments for AHPs. When I got my PhD, I had to make a choice between returning to full time clinical practice (on a lower grade than I had been before I started my PhD) or get a job in academia. Things still haven’t really changed much.  

What impact has clinical academic training had on your career and what are your next steps?

Clearly as a full time academic now, it has had a big impact and helped me realise that research was what I wanted to do. It’s just a shame that the systems have never been in place to enable me to still work clinically.

What advice would you give to an aspiring clinical academic?

Be tenacious. Build multidisciplinary networks by talking to lots of people from other backgrounds. Always have a plan B, C, D…. Z