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International Summer School

International Relations: Conflict, Security, & Peace

This stimulating course will provide you with the opportunity to engage with some of the most challenging and pressing issues of international relations,  not least contemporary political violence , and the pursuit of peace. You will explore the main features of ongoing violent conflicts and characteristics of today’s global security environment - from terrorism to tensions produced by climate change, to nuclear proliferation, refugee crises, and violations of human rights.

You will consider how various schools of thought can decisively strengthen our analysis of these issues, which will lead to an appreciation of the complex role of factors like military capabilities, economic structures, international institutions, identities and ideologies, or language and emotions.

Teaching will be delivered by leading experts on international affairs, conflict, security and peace studies, who have published in the most respected journals of the field. The programme adopts a dynamic format of interactive lectures and seminars, and will include a negotiation simulation, a policy role play and extensive discussions on cutting-edge research, in an enriching multicultural setting.

Module at a Glance

Module Title International Relations: Conflict, Security, & Peace
Module Code ISS2002
Module Convenor TBC
Credit Value 7.5 ECTS
Scheduled Teaching 24 x 2 Hour Sessions
Total Module Hours 150 Hours
Guided Independent Study

Pre-Reading Before Arrival
Preparatory readings for lectures and seminars
Researching, preparing and delivering a group presentation
Researching and completing two written assignments

Formative Assessment

Draft of final essay – 500 words – Verbal Feedback 

Summative Assessment

Written essay – 1500 words – 60% of credit – written feedback

Group Presentation – 20 minutes – 40% of credit – verbal and written feedback

Sample Pre Reading

Andrew Hurrell ‘Rising Powers and the Emerging Global Order’, in Smith & Baylis (Eds.) The Globalization of World Politics, Oxford University Press, 2017.

Edward N. Luttwak, ‘Give War a Chance’, Foreign Affairs July/August 1999.

Sample Lecture Sessions

Thinking about the Bomb: Problems and Prospects in Nuclear Strategy and Proliferation
Climate Change: The “Mother of all Risks to National Security

Apply now

Applications for our 2024 are now closed. Please complete our Register your Interest form to get information on our 2025 programme, including dates and notification of our application window. 

Watch one of our students talking about her experience on our International Relations course

"The balance of the open-mindedness and easy going attitudes of the professors made our learning fun and exciting. The professors had very smart perspectives and were very skilled in conveying important information."

Yanda, Sebalas Maret University, Indonesia