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Antimicrobial Resistance Research

Richard Smith profile image

Professor Richard Smith

Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor and Professor of Health Economics

  01392 726076


  College House

  College of Medicine and Health, St Luke's Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU


I am a Professor of Health Economics and also the Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor of the College of Medicine and Health at the University. I have pioneered research on the economics, especially macro-economics, of AMR for 25 years, and the links with zoonotic disease and broader planetary health. I contributed the economic analysis to the Chief Medical Officer report on AMR in 2013, and the 'O'Neil' Review on AMR in 2014, as well as the WHO Global Strategy on AMR and most recently the Council of Canadian Academies Report on the socio-economic impacts of AMR in Canada.

Key publications:

Roope LSJ, Smith RD, et al. The challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance: What can economics contribute?  Science, 2019; 364. DOI: 10.1126/science.aau4679

The true cost of antimicrobial resistance, Richard Smith professor of health system economics 1 , Joanna Coast professor of health economics 2

Key project:

EU FP6 grants to develop and assess the macro-economic impact of AMR and community-acquired respiratory infection across Europe

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