Democracy and Representation Challenges

Democracy and Representation Challenges

Convened by Dario Castiglione (CPT) & Catherine Dupré (HR&DF), University of Exeter, this two-day online workshop is meant as an introduction to the work of the Observatory of Representation. International Centre for the study of State, Citizenship and Democracy. Formally established in January 2024, this Inter-University and multidisciplinary Centre focusses on political representation and its place in relation to the state and democratic citizenship.

On Thursday 3 October, we shall discuss the idea of representation from a multi-disciplinary perspective. This will be introduced by Professor Michel Troper and based on a book published as part of the Centre’s collaboration: La Représentation politique. Anthologie (eds) Manuela ALBERTONE, Michel TROPER, Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2018.

On Friday 4 October, we have organized two round tables: one focusing on the role that elections play or ought to play in democratic representation; the other on the ways of enlarging democratic representation through more informal and virtual moments.

Download: Democracy and Representation Challenges Programme

A short version of the papers can be found below and at Human Rights and Democracy Forum Posts

Contact emails: &

Participation is free, but please register through Eventbrite: 3rd October & 4th October.

Zoom Links for the Thursday and Friday sessions: You can participate in both or either of them:

Thursday 3rd October

Meeting ID: 966 8020 3011 – Password: 524952

Friday 4th October

Meeting ID: 943 7235 3436 – Password: 333302

“Introduction” to La Représentation politique. Anthologie (eds) Manuela ALBERTONE, Michel TROPER, Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2018.


Thursday 3 October 2024, 2.30 pm – 4.20 pm UK time (3.30 pm - 5.20 pm CET)

Opening remarks and chair: Prof Helen Berry (HASS, Exeter)

The interdisciplinary study of representation

  • Introduction by Prof Michel Troper (Paris X Nanterre) followed by discussion

Presentation of the Observatory of Representation

  • Manuela Albertone (University of Turin)
  • Gianluca Cuniberti (Director of the Observatory, University of Turin)
  • Pierre Brunet (University Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne)
  • Sonia Scognamiglio (University of Salerno)
  • Dario Castiglione (University of Exeter)


Friday 4 October 2024, 2.30 – 5.30 UK time (3.30 pm - 6.30 pm CET)

Panel #1: 2.30 pm – 3.45 pm (3.30 – 4.45 CET)

Representative Democracy as Electoral Democracy: How, and how much does voting matter?

  • Yann-Arzel Durelle-Marc (Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, TBC): TBC
  • Richard Bellamy (University College, London): ‘Against Lottocracy’
  • Ricardo Vasquez Dazarola (Copenhagen Faculty of Law): AI Tools and Disinformation
  • Pasquale Pasquino (NYU and CNRS Paris): Representative democracy: a conceptual analysis’

Chair: Andy Schaap (University of Exeter)


Panel #2: 4pm – 5.30pm UK time (5 pm - 6.30pm CET)

Representing the ‘voiceless’ in democracy: conceptual and institutional problems and solutions

  • Catherine Dupré (Law, University of Exeter): ‘Democracy’s invisible humanity’
  • Pierre Brunet (Paris La Sorbonne): Who should speak for Nature ? Judges, MP's, NGOs, Scientists or Citizens?
  • Laura Montanaro (Politics, University of Essex): ‘Civil Society Representation’
  • Samuel Hayat (Sciences Po CEVIPOV): After ventriloquism: the problem of speaking for yourself in social movements’

Chair: Christine Bicknell (Law, University of Exeter)