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Centre for Rural Policy Research


The CRPR publishes a wide range of research papers in house. For comprehensive lists of member publications in other venues, including books, journal articles, reports, etc., see the publications tab on each individual member's web page.

Research reports

Many of these are available in PDF format and can be downloaded for free using the links below.  For those that are not available in PDF format please contact the CRPR Administrator.

  • 32 A Review of Cornwall's Agri-Food Industry : Final Report
    Matt Lobley, Donald Barr, Liz Bowles, Ruth Huxley, Emma Kehyaian, Nathan de Rozarieux and Angie Shepherd
    January 2012 - £15
    ISBN 978-1-905892-13-6 

Publications archive

You can access the different sections of our publications archive via these links:

The Centre for Rural Policy Research was formerly known as the Agricultural Economics Unit. These are the publications of the AEU up to February 2000.

In the Centre's own publications series:

  • 250 Who Cares? A Study of Farmers' Involvement in Managing and Maintaining the Countryside
    John McInerney, Martin Turner, Donald Barr, Greg MacQueen - February 2000 - £10.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 47 2
  • 249 Farm Groups and Red Meat Marketing: A survey of retail and marketing group members
    Ben Davies - November 1999 - £10.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 50 2
  • 248 Vertical Coordination in Agriculture: A review of forces, strategies, and their implications for producers
    Ben Davies - November 1999 - £10.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 49 9
  • 247 Future Search for Rural Community Development: Insights from a Devon conference
    Julie Whittaker - December 1999 - £4.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 48 0
  • 246 A Way Forward for Devon's Rural Communities: A report on the Future
    Search Conference held in Devon, July 3rd-5th 1998, to consider the future of Devon's Rural Communities
    Julie Whittaker - August 1998 - £6.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 39 1
  • 245 Farm Incomes in South West England 1994-95
    Martin Turner and Keith Robbins - March 1996 - £8.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 37 5
  • 244 Resource Use Adjustment in the Rural Economy
    Keith Howe, John McInerney, Jo Traill Thomson, Martin Turner, Julie Whittaker - March 1996 - £6.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 36 7
  • 243 Rural Futures: Issues for the Forthcoming Rural White Paper
    Jo Trail Thomson - September 1995 - £4.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 33 2
  • 241 Agricultural Adjustment in West Somerset
    John McInerney and Martin Turner - August 1993 - £7.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 28 6
  • 240 Farm Incomes in South West England 1991-92
    Martin Turner and Keith Robbins - February 1993 - £6.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 27 8
  • 239 Fair Trade in Bananas?
    Editors: Professor John McInerney and Lord Peston - December 1992 - £8.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 24 3
  • 238 Beyond 5000 Litres: The Economics of Milk Production in a Quota Environment
    John McInerney, Martin Turner and Lester Bowker - July 1992 - £7.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 20 0
  • 237 Farm Incomes in South West England 1990-91
    Martin Turner and Keith Robbins - February 1992 - £6.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 22 7
  • 236 Patterns, Performance and Prospects in Farm Diversification
    John McInerney and Martin Turner - June 1991 - £7.50
    ISBN No. 1 870558 19 7
  • 235 Farm Incomes in South West England 1989-90
    Martin Turner and Keith Robbins - February 1991 - £5.00 ISBN No. 1 870558 17 0
  • 234 Farming, Food and Conservation
    John G Quicke - January 1990 - £3.00
  • 232 Diversification in the Use of Farm Resources
    John McInerney, Martin Turner and Michael Hollingham - November 1989 - £5.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 10 3
  • 231 Readjustments in Dairying: An Analysis of Changes in Dairy Farming in England and Wales Following the Introduction of Milk Quotas
    John P McInerney and Michael A Hollingham - August 1989 - £5.00
  • 230 Horticultural Training: An Enquiry into its Provision in South West England
    W John Dunford with John P McInerney and Martin M Turner - July 1989 - £7.50
  • Trends in Agricultural and Horticultural Labour in South West England
    Volume I Regular and Seasonal Farm Worker 1955 to 1985
    Volume II Farmers and Family and Hired Workers 1970 to 1985
    W John Dunford and Martin M Turner - February 1988 - £6.00
  • 226 Milk Production: An Economic Survey in South West England 1985/86
    Betty J Roscoe and Martin M Turner - May 1987 - £2.50
  • 219 A Study of Minor Holdings in Devon 1983
    December 1983 - £3.00
  • 218 The Role of Farm Tourism in the Less Favoured Areas of England and Wales 1981
    August 1983 - £5.00
  • 217 Cattle and Sheep: A Financial Study of a Sample of Farms in South West England 1977/78 to 1981/82
    B R Nixon and M M Turner - March 1983 - £4.00

Agricultural Economics Discussion Papers

  • 91/01 Strategic Interaction, Vertical Market Linkages and Government Intervention in Food Markets
    S McCorriston and I M Sheldon - March 1991 - £1.00
  • 89/01 Government Intervention in Imperfectly Competitive Agricultural Input Markets: The Case of Fertiliser in the UK
    S McCorriston and I M Sheldon - November 1989 - £1.00
  • 88/03 The Welfare Implications of Nitrogen Limitation Policies
    S McCorriston and I M Sheldon - September 1988 - £1.00
  • 88/02 Estimating the Real Depreciation Rate of Agricultural Machinery
    S Cunningham - September 1988 - £1.00
  • 88/01 The UK Agricultural Input Industries: Estimating the Effects of EC Accession
    S McCorriston and I M Sheldon - May 1988 - £1.00
  • 86/01 Intra-Industry Trade and Market Fragmentation with reference to the European Tractor Industry
    S McCorriston and I M Sheldon - July 1986 - £1.00

Agricultural Economics Briefing Papers

  • 1/95 Farm Performance 1993/94: Farm Business Survey Results
    Martin Turner and Keith Robbins - May 1995 - £4.00
  • 1/90 Very Small Farms - A South West Study
    Martin M Turner - January 1990 - £1.00
  • 1/89 Diversification of Resource Use on Farms in England and Wales
    John McInerney, Martin Turner and Michael Hollingham - December 1989 - £1.00
  • 1/86 Agricultural and Horticultural Training in Somerset
    W J Dunford and M M Turner - September 1986 - £1.00

Agricultural Economics Occasional Papers

  • 5 Labour Use on UK Farms: Some Empirical Results
    Martin Turner and Mark Fogerty - October 1994 - £4.00
  • 4 Marketing Speciality Foods: A Study of 'Taste of the West'
    M M Turner, H Bowker and L B Bowker - 1993 - £4.00

Centre for Rural Research Annual Review 2004

ISBN 1 870558 84 7; January 2005; Price £15

You can download a PDF of our Centre for Rural Research Annual Review 2004 for free.

Aimed at readers interested in a wide range of rural matters, the Centre for Rural Research Annual Review contains articles based on research work undertaken by Centre staff in the previous year. The 2004 Review provides the latest academic research in a readable and accessible manner. See below for the list of contents.


Title Author(s)
The Role of Women in the South West Rural Economy Carol Morris and Jo Little
Global Action Plan: Promoting Rural Sustainability? Stewart Barr and Andrew Gilg
The Political Geography of EU Agricultural Policy Adjustment Michael Winter
The Impact of CAP Reform on Devon's Agriculture Matt Lobley and Allan Butler
What Scope for Improving Farm Business Performance? Martin Turner and Keith Robbins
Provision, Participation and Penetration: Objective 1 Vocational Training in Cornwall Allan Butler and Phil Le Grice
The 'Modernisation' of Agriculture in Devon during the Second World War: Uncovering Alternative Narratives Mark Riley and David Harvey
Nitrogen Losses on Dairy Farms: Towards Improved Management Practices Martin Turner and Keith Robbins
The Economics of Broiler Production: A Pioneering Venture by the Centre for Rural Research Andrew Sheppard
Un-accomplishing the Rural Future Robert Fish
Agricultural Restructuring: The Potential Role of Joint Venture Arrangements Martin Turner and John Hambly

2003 Annual review

Copies of our Annual Review 2003 are also available for download and hard copy order.

Find out more about obtaining our Annual Review 2003.

  • 61  The Pig Sector in England and Wales 2001-02 and 2002-03
    Andrew Sheppard - October 2004 - £15.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 81 2
  • 60  Pig Production 2002-03
    Andrew Sheppard - October 2004 - £15.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 80 4
  • 59  The Structure and Economics of Broiler Production in England
    Andrew Sheppard - June 2004 - £15.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 78 2
  • 55 The Structure of Pig Production in England: The results of the National Survey of Pig Production Systems, 1st March 2002
    Andrew Sheppard - December 2002 - £8.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 57 X
  • 52 Lowland Sheep 1999: The economics and management of lamb production
    Mark Fogerty, Martin Turner, Donald Barr - January 2001 - £10.00
    ISBN No. 870558 55 3
  • 51 What’s the Damage? A study of the farm level costs of managing and maintaining the countryside
    John McInerney, Martin Turner, Donald Barr, Greg MacQueen - December 2000 - £10.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 54 5
  • 50 Pig Production 1998-99
    Andrew Sheppard - August 2000 - £8.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 53 7
  • 49 Hill Cattle and Sheep Farming in England and Wales: An Economic Review 1989/90 to 1997/98
    Martin Turner, Donald Barr and Mark Fogerty - April 2000 - £10.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 46 4
  • 44 Pig Production 1997-98
    Andrew Sheppard - July 1999 - £8.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 45 6
  • 40 The Structure of Pig Production in England and Wales: The Results of the National Survey of Pig Production Systems
    Andrew Sheppard - June 1998 - £8.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 43 X
  • 39 Pig Production 1996-97
    Andrew Sheppard - June 1998 - £8.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 42 1
  • 33 The Structure of Pig Production in England and Wales: The results of the National Survey of Pig Production Systems
    Andrew Sheppard - May 1996 - £8.00
    ISBN No. 1 870558 38 3


Our briefings include a wide range of reports and papers which make available to a wider audience the findings of the Centre's research and investigations in farming and the rural economy. Although many are regional in focus, the series also includes shorter versions of national studies. Our briefings (in PDF format) can be downloaded from the links below, or are available from the Centre in hard copy form at £5 each.

Working papers

Our working papers are largely research based and are aimed at both an academic and policy audience. Current working papers are available at £5 each (incl. p&p). Older working papers (those hyperlinked below) can still be purchased from the Centre for £5, but are also freely available here as downloads.

  • Farmer Cooperation in England: Extent, forms and impact over time 
    Bina Agarwal* (Sections 1-6 & 8) Bina Agarwal and Steven Emery** (Section 7), July 2024
    ISBN: 978-0-902746-97-8

  • 4 Green consumption: a social psychological perspective, 2003
    Stewart Barr
    ISBN 1 870558 71 5

  • 3 Exploding the family farm business: analysing how the fragments 'family', 'farm' and 'business' hold together, 2003
    Matt Reed, Matt Lobley and Michael Winter
    ISBN 1 870558 70 7

  • 2  Research and knowledge transfer, 2002: A South West perspective on the Report of the Policy Commission on the Future of Farming and Food
    Michael Winter
    ISBN 1 870558 68 5

  • 1 Modulation and agri-environment schemes: potential impacts on the South West, 2002. A South West perspective on the Report of the Policy Commission on the Future of Farming and Food.
    Michael Winter, Alan Butler and Martin Turner
    ISBN 1 870558 67 7