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Thursday 10 Nov 2022Hearing through vibration on the skin

Mark Fletcher - University of Southampton

Harrison 103 12:30-14:30

Cochlear implants (CIs) enable severely-to-profoundly hearing-impaired individuals to perceive sound through electrical stimulation of the cochlea. They allow many CI users to achieve excellent speech understanding in quiet listening conditions, but most struggle to understand speech when there is background noise and to locate sounds. Recently, we have shown that speech-in-noise performance and sound localisation can be improved by supplementing the electrical CI signal with haptic stimulation on the wrists (“electro-haptic stimulation”). This talk will discuss our recent work showing large enhancements in speech-in-noise performance and sound localisation with haptic stimulation in CI users. Future directions for this work will also be discussed, including the development of a new wearable haptic device.

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