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Thursday 10 May 2018Dynamics Seminar: Networks in Neuroscience

Petra Vertes - Cambridge

H209 14:30-15:30

In this talk I will give a brief overview of how network science has been applied in recent years to advance our understanding of the human brain. I will focus particularly on large-scale networks derived from neuroimaging data and their application to the study of brain and mind disorders. I will discuss recent efforts to gain a more mechanistic understanding of disease processes by (1) generative modelling of human brain networks (2) integration of neuroimaging data with microscopic atlases of the human brain, containing detailed information on cellular characteristics or on regional gene expression. I will also discuss parallel efforts to understand brain organization at the neuronal scale both in silico and in simpler organisms such C. elegans. These provide a unique test-bed for developing and validating novel approaches, such as the application of control theoretic principles to the nervous system. Throughout the talk, I will highlight the many challenges and exciting opportunities that lie ahead.

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