
Dr Chris Sweetapple

Dr Chris Sweetapple

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Chris Sweetapple is a Research Fellow in the Centre for Water Systems, where he is currently working on a DEFRA-funded Floods and Coastal Resilience Innovation Programme project in collaboration with East Sussex County Council.

Chris graduated from the University of Exeter with a first class degree in Civil Engineering in 2011 and continued to complete a PhD, in which he investigated strategies for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater treatment. He then worked on the Safe & SuRe project, which aimed to develop a new paradigm for urban water management in response to emerging challenges and uncertainties, and in 2015 was awarded the Scopus Young Researcher UK Award, in recognition of his work on greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater treatment. Chris has also worked on the LOTUS, FIWARE4Water and aqua3S projects, and contributed to research on wastewater-based epidemiology with the Joint Biosecurity Centre during the COVID-19 pandemic.


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