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Irene Perrett

I have worked with equines for a lifetime, and have become increasingly unsettled by humans’ treatment towards them. This was the catalyst that encouraged me to discover more about the inner lives of more-than-human animals and to my surprise, I found myself also developing a passion for learning. I was lucky enough to embark on the MA Anthrozoology programme at the University of Exeter, graduating with distinction in 2022. The rich and diverse content, and the opportunity to connect with others through the programme, inspired me to develop my PhD research project on the intersubjectivity of more-than-human grief. Grief intersects lives in times of loss. It is unique yet common to us all, impacting the lives of human and more-than-human beings. My research attempts to navigate the blurred boundaries of human-nonhuman relations to evaluate whether the shared testimony of animals who feel or witness grief can engender realisation of their inner worth and values, and how this may reposition and centre more-than-human lives. Through the Exeter Anthrozoology programme I have been involved with the AIP Conference, and invited to contribute to the Animated Wor(l)ds project. I also foster dogs from Romania, and have discovered diverse and ongoing opportunities for reflection within the relations of living with dogs who often carry trauma.