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Exeter Centre for Research on Africa

Recent publications

  • Bridger, E. (2021) Young Women against Apartheid: Gender, Youth and South Africa’s Liberation Struggle (James Currey) 
  • Matodzi M. Amisi, Emily Bridger, and Kudakwashe Vanyoro, ‘Calling it a crisis won’t prevent violence against women,’ ISS Today, 19 July 2022
  • Gadjanova E, Lynch G, Saibu G (2022). Misinformation Across Digital Divides: Theory and Evidence from Northern Ghana African Affairs 121: 161-195. 
  • Gadjanova E (2021). Competitive Elections, Status Anxieties, and the Relative Strength of Ethnic versus National Identification in Africa. Political Behavior, 44(4), 1731-1757. DOI.
  • Campbell C, Niblett M, Oloff K (2021). Literary and Cultural Production, World-Ecology, and the Global Food System., Palgrave Macmillan Abstract.
  • Gallois W (2024). Qayrawān the Amuletic City. Abstract.
  • Gallois W (2021). An Illumination of a Floating World. AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW, 126(2), 708-709. Author URL. DOI
  • Chambers J, Higbee W. (2021) Utopian Montage: exploring transnational folk cinemas online during the Covid-19 pandemic as part of the 2020 Folk Film Gathering film festival, Open Screens, volume 4, no. 2, DOI:10.16995/os.8009. [PDF
  • Higbee W. (2019) Moroccan diasporic cinema: the ‘rooted transnationalism’ of the cinéastes de passage, Transnational Screens, volume 10, no. 2, pages 75-88, DOI:10.1080/25785273.2019.1641285. [PDF
  • Hynd, S (2023) Imperial Gallows: Murder, Violence and the Death Penalty in British Colonial Africa, c.1915-60 (Bloomsbury) 
  • Hynd, S. (2021) ‘Constructing the Child Soldier Crisis: The Development of Transnational Advocacy and Humanitarian Campaigns against the Recruitment and Use of Children in Conflict, c.1970-2000’, Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development 12.3: 265-85.  
  • Khalaf, N Vousdoukas, M.I., Clarke, J., Ranasinghe, R. et al. African heritage sites threatened as sea-level rise accelerates. Nat. Clim. Chang. 12, 256–262 (2022). 
  • Khalaf, N, -Simpson, N.P., Clarke, J., Orr, S.A. et al. Decolonizing climate change–heritage research. Nat. Clim. Chang. 12, 210–213 (2022).  
  • Insoll T (2023). ‘Becoming Muslim’: a Comparative Archaeological Approach to the Material Markers of Islam in the Niger Bend, Mali, and Eastern Ethiopia. Journal of Islamic Archaeology Abstract. 
  • Insoll T (2021). Marine shell working at Harlaa, Ethiopia, and the implications for Red Sea trade. Journal of African Archaeology, 19(1), 1-24. Abstract. DOI.  
  • Boccardi, G. et al, (2022), Words into Action: Using Traditional Knowledges for Disaster Risk Reduction UNDRR-ICCROM, p. 54 - 
  • Metcalfe, K., et al (2022), Fulfilling global marine commitments; lessons learned from Gabon. Conservation Letters.  e12872
  • Poyner J (2023). Life & Times of J. M. Coetzee. In van der Vlies A, Graham L (Eds.) The Bloomsbury Handbook to J. M. Coetzee, London; New York; Dublin: Bloomsbury, 15-28
  • Poyner J (2020). The Worlding of the South African Novel: Spaces of Transition., Palgrave Macmillan DOI.   
  • Trevor T. (2022) A New Atlantic: Wayfinding Beyond the Totalizing Claims and Epistemic Violence of Eurocentric Modernity, Tupaia, Captain Cook and the Voyage of the Endeavour A Material History, Bloomsbury Visual Arts. 
  • Wallis K, Geuza ZR (2021). Reading Dar es Salaam’s (Female-led) Book Clubs as Paravirtual Networks. Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies, 7, 1-31. DOI.
  • Wallis K (2019). Publishers’ Networks and the Making of 21st Century African Literature in English. In Adejunmobi M, Coetzee C (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of African Literature, Abingdon: Routledge, 413-428  Abstract.
  • Vessio M. (2019) In Duplum and the Lump-sum: The Common Law and section 103(5) of the National Credit Act, South African Law Journal, volume 136, pages 462-487. 
  • Awini, Elizabeth, et al. (2023), Burden of mental health problems among pregnant and postpartum women in sub-Saharan Africa: systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. BMJ open, 13.6: p. e069545.
  • Koduah, Augustina, et al. (2022) "Powers, engagements and resultant influences over the design and implementation of medicine pricing policies in Ghana." BMJ global health 7.5: e008225.
  • Lenton TM, Abrams JF, Bartsch A, Bathiany S, Boulton CA, Buxton JE, Conversi A, Cunliffe AM, Hebden S, Lavergne T, et al (2024). Remotely sensing potential climate change tipping points across scales. Nat Commun, 15(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
  • Millner N, Cunliffe AM, Mulero-Pázmány M, Newport B, Sandbrook C, Wich S (2023). Exploring the opportunities and risks of aerial monitoring for biodiversity conservation. Global Social Challenges Journal, 2, 2-23.
  • Fortnam M, Hailey P (2024). Insights from social-ecological systems thinking for understanding and preventing famine. Disasters Abstract.  Author URL.
  • Fortnam M, Chaigneau T, Evans L, Bastian L (2023). Practitioner approaches to trade‐off decision‐making in marine conservation development. People and Nature, 5(5), 1636-1648. Abstract.
  • Magni S, Hatcher A, Gibbs A, Wamoyi J, Dunkle K, Christofides N (2024). AIDSImpact special issue: pathways to transactional sex among peri-urban South African women: the role of relationship control, food insecurity and alcohol misuse. AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV Abstract.
  • Mahlangu P, Machisa MT, Jewkes R, Gibbs A, Shai N, Sikweyiya Y (2024). Reflections on the process, challenges, and lessons learned conducting remote qualitative research on Violence against women during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in South Africa. BMC Public Health, 24(1). Abstract.
  • Mkhwanazi S, Jewkes R, Sikweyiya Y, Washington L, Gibbs A (2024). Young Men’s Experiences of Being Fathered and Absent Father’s Experience: a Case Study from Urban Informal Settlements in South Africa. Journal of Applied Youth Studies Abstract.
  • Hartley S, Kokotovich A, Devos Y, Mumford J (2023). Engagement on risk assessment for gene drive mosquitoes by EFSA and Target Malaria. Environmental Science and Policy, 142, 183-193. Abstract
  • Carter H, Glaudas X, Whitaker R, Chandrasekharun G, Hockings K, Nuno A (2024). Venomous snakebites: Exploring social barriers and opportunities for the adoption of prevention measures. Conservation Science and Practice, 6(2). Abstract.  
  • Casorso JG, DePasquale AN, Morales SR, Hernandez SC, Navarro RL, Hockings KJ, Carrigan MA, Melin AD (2023). Seed dispersal syndrome predicts ethanol concentration of fruits in a tropical dry forest. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290(2003).