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Exeter Centre for Research on Africa

Research projects and activity

South Africa's Hidden War – Histories of Sexual Violence from Apartheid to the Present (
Principal Investigator: Professor Emily Bridger, South Africa’s Hidden War

Imagining Futures
Principal Investigator: Professor Elena Isayev, Imagining Futures Through Un/Archived Pasts
Principal Investigator: Professor Andy Cunliffe, Oppenheimer Programme in African Landscapes (OPALS)

Life and Death in Trying Times: A Bioarchaeological Study of the Effect of Socio-Political and Climate Changes on the Memphite Population of Saqqara, Egypt
Principal Investigator: Dr Iwona Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin

MRC Centre for Medical Mycology AFRICA CMM unit (with University of Cape Town) 

Perceptions of Rhino Poaching
Principal Investigator: Samantha Hurn

The Ethical Data Initiative Home The Ethical Data Initiative
Project Leads: Prof Suchith Anand and Prof Kathy Bailey

Africa Writes - Exeter 
Co-Producer: Dr Kate Wallis

Africa in Words 
Editor: Dr Kate Wallis

Mapping Africa’s Endangered Sites and Monuments 
Co-Investigator: Prof Tim Insoll

Gene Drive Governance for Malari Control in Africa
Principal Investigator: Prof Sarah Hartley

Transnational Moroccan Cinema Transnational Moroccan Cinema
Principal Investigator: Prof William Higbee

Listening to the Zoo
Co-Investigator: Prof Samantha Hurn