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Exponential Random Graph Models with Statnet (POSTPONED)


Dr Lorien Jasny 

Date: Wednesday 20 May - Thursday 21 May 2020
Location: University of Exeter Business School, Streatham Court
Registration: TBC

Our workshop is currently postponed until further notice, new dates for this are yet to be determined.

Contents and objectives:

This workshop will provide a hands-on tutorial to using exponential-family random graph models (ERGMs) for statistical analysis of social networks, using the "ergm" package in statnet. The ergm package provides tools for the specification, estimation, assessment and simulation of ERGMs that incorporate the complex dependencies within networks. Topics covered in this workshop include: an overview of the ERGM framework; defining and fitting models to empirical data; interpretation of model coefficients; goodness-of-fit and model adequacy checking; simulation of networks using ERG models; and degeneracy assessment and avoidance. Advanced topics (day 2) include more complex constraints, modelling and simulation of complete networks from egocentrically sampled data, bipartite networks, valued data, and the separable temporal ERG model. statnet is an open source collection of integrated packages for the R statistical computing environment that support the representation, manipulation, visualization, modelling, simulation, and analysis of network data.


The workshop is taught using R and RStudio and the statnet suite of packages. Please install both before coming to the course.


Participants taking this course are expected to be familiar with the basic concepts of descriptive statistics, and have an active interest in statistical inference. The basic elements of the R programming language needed to specify, estimate, and interpret network models in statnet will be introduced in the early stages of the seminar. Ideally participants will have some of their own networks to work with during some open time at the end of the workshop, but if not, the instructor can help find something of interest.


Dr Lorien Jasny is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Politics at the University of Exeter and has been teaching workshops on ERG models for over 10 years.


Lusher, D., Koskinen, J. and Robins, G. eds., 2013. Exponential random graph models for social networks: Theory, methods, and applications. Cambridge University Press.