If you have any questions about our ‘with Proficiency in Innovation & Entrepreneurship’ pathway, please contact WPI-I&E Directors:
Raphael Dennett
Bill Russell
As well as giving you the opportunity to add 'with Proficiency in Entrepreneurship' to your degree title, WPI-I&E modules include activities and sessions that can count towards the new Exeter Award Entrepreneurship Theme.
Find more information about the 'Exeter Award within Modules'
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With Proficiency in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Innovation & Entrepreneurship at the University of Exeter
All undergraduate students* from any course with optional modules can add “with Proficiency in Innovation & Entrepreneurship” to the title of their degree as part of the Business School’s enhancement pathway, boosting employability.
*having fulfilled the requirements below
The ‘With Proficiency in Innovation and Entrepreneurship’ (WPI-I&E) pathway nurtures and empowers future change-leaders with the entrepreneurial mindset and capabilities to harness sustainable innovation to create and grow impactful organisations, delivering change and new solutions that shape renewal for a greener, fairer, and healthier future in a fast-changing world. The pathway accelerates the ‘innovation and entrepreneurial readiness’ of graduates through teaching innovation as a life skill to students from all disciplines, faculties and backgrounds ahead of entering an AI-driven, rapidly evolving workplace.
Below are the current modules that you can select within the WPI Innovation & Entrepreneurship pathway. All legacy modules also count towards the pathway:
Streatham modules
Module code | Module title |
BEM1034 | Introduction to Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
BEM2062 | The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Mindset |
BEM2058 | Making Innovation and Entrepreneurship Happen |
ENG2004 | Entrepreneurship 2 |
BEM3090 | Rethinking Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
BEM3061 | Business Ignition - Idea to Implementation |
BEM3072 | Entrepreneurial Futures |
BEP3172 | Future 17 |
Legacy modules
Module code | Module title |
BEM1020 / 1020A | Innovation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution |
BEM1026 | Impactful Entrepreneurship |
BEM1039 | Impactful Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
ENG1006 | Entrepreneurship 1 |
BEM2010 | Could you be an Entrepreneur |
BEM2032 | Startup Entrepreneurship |
BEM2036 | Thinking Entrepreneurially |
BEM2054 | Acting Entrepreneurially |
BEM2055 | Rethinking Innovation |
BEM2056 | Managing the Innovation Process |
BEM2046 | Entrepreneurial Value Creation |
BEM3060 | Managing Entrepreneurially |
Penryn modules
(Please note that Penryn students can currently gain the title, ‘With Proficiency in Entrepreneurship’ with the below modules)
Module code | Module title |
BEP1034 | Introduction to Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
BEP2210 | Circular Enterprise Economy |
BEP2001 | Business Beyond Profit |
BEP2003 | The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Mindset |
BEP3172 | Future 17 |
BEP3005 | Rethinking Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
BEP3010 | Social and Technological Innovation |
BEP3050 | Future-Facing Dissertation/Project |
Legacy modules
Module code | Module title |
BEP3061 | Managing Entrepreneurially |
Further information:
*All efforts have been made to make the pathway available to all undergraduate Exeter students. Students are responsible for opting into WPI Innovation & Entrepreneurship and ensuring their course allows for the flexibility to complete the required modules. If you are unsure if you have enough modular choice, do check with your programme leader.
If you have previously started ‘With Proficiency in Innovation’ (WPII) or ‘With Proficiency in Entrepreneurship’ (WPIE) and have questions about moving to the new combined pathway ‘With Proficiency in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (WPIIE), please contact:
Raphael Dennett
Bill Russell
New and returning students
Online module selection will open 9am Monday 17th March 2025 and will close at 5pm Friday 21st March 2025
If you have any questions around Online Module Selection or about using the Online Module Selection system please review the student FAQs and user guide below. If you have any questions regarding your module choices, please contact your Hub Info Point. Contact details of the Info Point teams can be found here.
You can select your modules via SRS (Student Records System) either directly here, or via your iExeter.
Undergraduate students successfully passing a minimum of 60 credits (30 credits per year) taken from the approved list of modules can request that ‘with Proficiency in Innovation & Entrepreneurship’ be added to their degree title, on the recommendation of the relevant Assessment, Progression and Awarding Committee.
For example, a Management student who passes 60 credits of WPIE-I&E modules can have their degree title amended to BSc (Hons) Management with proficiency in Innovation & Entrepreneurship.
Modules taken for the ‘With Proficiency in Innovation & Entrepreneurship’ pathway must be taken and must be passed.
Students satisfying these criteria and who wish to be considered for the addition of innovation & entrepreneurship proficiency to their degree title should contact their College Office by no later than 1 June of their final year of study to request that this be considered by the Board of Examiners.
If you have no optional module credits available in your programme, the University of Exeter’s Student Startups Team provides a range of non-credit bearing options for learning entrepreneurial skills. For more information see the Student Startups web pages.
If you have any questions about our ‘with Proficiency in Innovation & Entrepreneurship’ pathway, please contact WPI-I&E Directors:
Raphael Dennett
Bill Russell