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About GraphExeter

Graphene and GraphExeter

What is graphene?

Graphene is a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. A stack of graphene sheets forms the crystal graphite.

At only one atom thick, graphene is the thinnest substance capable of conducting electricity. It is also mechanically flexible, optically transparent and very strong.

Practical applications

The discovery of graphene has launched a new era in nanotechnology. Its unique properties mean it has a vast range of practical applications, including:

  • ultra-light wearable technology for medicine and healthcare
  • pressure, touch and humidity sensors
  • all-carbon-based nano-electronics that can rival or even replace silicon technology

Quantum mechanics applications

Unlike other materials, charge carriers in graphene are 'massless' and behave in many ways like photons, the particles of light. They also have a specific quantum mechanical property called chirality, which profoundly influences many physical phenomena.

This makes graphene a test bed for examining core quantum mechanics principles, and the basis for development of fundamentally new functional devices, structurally smaller than those relying on conventional metals and semiconductors


GraphExeter is a derivative of graphene developed by the University of Exeter, with potential to revolutionise the electronics industry.

It is created by sandwiching molecules of ferric chloride between two layers of graphene. Ferric chloride enhances the graphene’s electrical conductivity, without affecting its transparency.

GraphExeter tolerates 100% humidity and operates at temperatures above 600 degC.

It has applications across a wide range of technologies, including:

  • wearable electronic devices, such as clothing containing computers or phones;
  • ‘smart’ mirrors or windows with interactive features;
  • and enhancing the efficiency of solar panels, to name a few.

It is the first viable alternative to indium tin oxide (ITO), the main conductive material currently used in electronics. ITO is becoming increasingly expensive and is a finite resource.

Commercial partnerships

We are interested in hearing from organisations interested in working with us to explore GraphExeter’s commercial potential. Find out more