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Key publications

Key publications

Young Women against Apartheid: Gender, Youth and South Africa's Liberation Struggle (2021)<br /><a href=''>Emily Bridger</a> Winston Churchill: A Life in the News (2020)<br /><a href=''>Richard Toye</a> Negotiating Mughal Law: a Family of Landlords Across Three Indian Empires (2020)<br /><a href=''>Nandini Chatterjee</a> Creating the Opium War: British Imperial Attitudes Towards China, 1792-1840. (2019)<br /><a href=''>Hao Gao</a> Forging a British World of Trade: Culture, ethnicity and market in the Empire-Commonwealth, 1880-1975 (2019)<br /><a href=''>David Thackeray</a> The Oxford Handbook of the Ends of Empire (2018)<br />Thomas M, Thompson A  The 'Conspiracy' of Free Trade (2016)<br /><a href=''>Marc-William Palen</a> Everyday Violence in the Irish Civil War (2014)<br /><a href=''>Gemma Clark</a> The Testimonies of Indian Soldiers and Two World Wars (2014)<br /><a href=''>Gajendra Singh</a> Fight or Flight: Britain, France and their Roads from Empire (2014)<br /><a href=''>Martin Thomas</a> Conservatism for the Democratic Age (2013)<br /><a href=''>David Thackeray</a> Violence and Colonial Order: Police, Workers and Protest in the European Colonial Empires, 1918-1940 (2012)<br /><a href=''>Martin Thomas</a> Churchill's Empire: The World that Made Him and the World He Made (2011)<br /><a href=''>Richard Toye</a> The Making of Indian Secularism: Empire, Law and Christianity, 1830-1960 (2011)<br /><a href=''>Nandini Chatterjee</a> The Unfinished Revolution: Making Sense of the Communist Past in Central-Eastern Europe (2010)<br /><a href=''>James Mark</a> Empire and Globalisation: Networks of People, Goods and Capital in the British World, c.1850-1914 (2010)<br /><a href=''>Andrew S. Thompson</a> and Gary B. Magee The Crises of Empire: Decolonization and Europe's Imperial States, 1918-1975 (2008)<br /><a href=''>Martin Thomas</a>, Bob Moore and L. J. Butler The Empire Strikes Back? The Impact of Imperialism on Britain from the Mid-Nineteenth Century (2005)<br /><a href=''>Andrew Thompson</a>


Chatterjee N (2023). Changing regimes of law in the age of competing empires in South Asia. In Parthasarathi P, Sinha M, Gilmartin D (Eds.) Cambridge History of the Modern Indian Subcontinent, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Bridger E (2023). Apartheid’s ‘rape crisis’: understanding and addressing sexual violence in South Africa, 1970s–1990s. Women's History Review, 1-20.

Bridger E, Hazan E (2023). Surfeit and Silence: Sexual Violence in the Apartheid Archive. African Studies

Vargha D (2023). Missing pieces: Integrating the socialist world in global health history. History Compass, 21(7)


Bekus N (2022). Memory wars in postimperial settings: the challenges of transnationalism and the risks of new totalizing mnemonics. Memory Studies, 15(6), 1291-1294.

Bridger E (2022). Survival in the "dumping grounds": a social history of apartheid relocation. JOURNAL OF AGRARIAN CHANGE, 22(2), 443-446.

Celik S (2022). Humans in Animalscapes: Reconstructing Vermin-Human Interactions in Rural Anatolia and Mesopotamia (ca. 1600-1850). Diyar – Journal of Ottoman, Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies, 3, 49-66.

Çelik S, Luke C, Roosevelt CH (2022). Ottoman Lakes and Fluid Landscapes:. Environing, Wetlands and Conservation in the Marmara Lake Basin, Circa 1550–1900. Environment and History

Hanley R (2022). Black Authors and British National Identity, 1763–1791. In  (Ed) African American Literature in Transition, 1750–1800, Cambridge University Press, 257-280

Mark J, Mark POMEHJ, Betts P, Betts POMEHP (2022). Socialism Goes Global the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the Age of Decolonisation. Oxford University Press.

Natarajan, K (2022). The privilege of the Indian passport (1947–1967): Caste, class, and the afterlives of indenture in Indian diplomacy. Modern Asian Studies.

Sandal-Wilson C (2022). The Colonial Clinic in Conflict: Towards a Medical History of the Palestinian Great Revolt, 1936–1939. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 47(1), 12-36.

Thomas M, Asselin P (2022). French Decolonisation and Civil War: the Dynamics of Violence in the Early Phases of Anti-colonial War in Vietnam and Algeria, 1940-1956. Journal Of Modern European History, 20 (4), 513-535.


Chatterjee N (2021). Sharīʿa translated? Persian documents in English courts. In Kooria M, Ravensbergen S (Eds.) Islamic Law in the Indian Ocean World Texts, Ideas and Practices, London: Routledge

Chatterjee N (2021). Translating obligations: Tamassuk and Fārigh-khai in the Indo-Persian world. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 64(5-6), 541-582.

Hynd S (2021). ‘Uncircumcised Boys’ and ‘Girl Spartans’: Youth, Gender and Generation in Insurgency and Colonial Counterinsurgency, c. 1954-9’. Gender and History.

Hynd S (2021). ‘Trauma, Violence and Memory in African Child Soldier Memoirs. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry.

Lidwell-Durnin J (2021). Global histories of science: practice, belief, and materials. Global Intellectual History, 6(2), 135-141.

Palen MW (2021). Marx and Manchester: the Evolution of the Socialist Internationalist Free-Trade Tradition, c.1846-1946. International History Review, 43(2), 381-398.

Palen M-W (2021). Pandemic Protectionism: Revisiting the 1918 “Spanish” Flu in the Era of COVID-19. Diplomatic History, 45(3), 571-579.

Spaskovska L (2021). 'Crude’ alliance – economic decolonisation and oil power in the non-aligned world. Contemporary European History

Spaskovska L, Mark J, Bieber F (2021). Introduction: Internationalism in Times of Nationalism: Yugoslavia, Nonalignment, and the Cold War. Nationalities Papers, 49, 409-412.

Vargha D (2021). Technical assistance and socialist international health: Hungary, the WHO and the Korean War. History and Technology, 36(3-4), 400-417.

Bridger E (2021). Young Women Against Apartheid - Gender, Youth and South Africa's Liberation Struggle. James Currey


Clark G (2020). Violence against women in the Irish Civil War, 1922–3: gender-based harm in global perspective. Irish Historical Studies, 44, 75-90. DOI.

Toye R (2020). Winston Churchill a Life in the News. Oxford University Press, USA

Mark JA, Kalinovsky A, Marung S (eds)(2020). Alternative Globalizations. Eastern Europe and the Postcolonial World. Bloomington, Indiana University Press

Chatterjee N (2020). Negotiating Mughal Law: a Family of Landlords Across Three Indian Empires. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press

Gao H (2020). Creating the Opium War: British Imperial Attitudes Towards China, 1792-1840. Manchester University Press

Kathryn Gleadle and Ryan Hanley, ‘Children Against Slavery: Juvenile Agency and the Sugar Boycotts in Britain’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 30 (2020), 97-117.

Stacey Hynd, ‘Small Warriors? Children and Youth in Colonial Insurgencies and Counterinsurgency, ca. 1945-60’, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 62.4 (2020), 684-713. Article and Discussion

Ljubica Spaskovska (2020) Constructing the “City of international solidarity”: Non-aligned internationalism, the United Nations and visions of development, modernism and solidarity, 1955-1975. Journal of World History, 31/1(2020), 137-163


Thomas M, Thompson A (2019). The Oxford Handbook of the Ends of Empire. Oxford Handbooks

Mark JA, Rupprecht T, Spaskovska L, Iacob B (2019). 1989: a Global History of Eastern Europe. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press

Thackeray DA (2019). Forging a British World of Trade: Culture, ethnicity and market in the Empire-Commonwealth, 1880-1975. Oxford University Press

Hernandez M (2019). The Ku Klux Klan and Freemasonry in 1920s America Fighting Fraternities. Routledge Abstract.

Gajendra Singh, ‘Jodh Singh, the Ghadar Movement and the Anti-Colonial Deviant in the Anglo-American Imagination’. Past & Present, Vol. 245, 1, (November 2019).

Vivienne Guo V Forging a women’s united front: Chinese elite women’s networks for national salvation and resistance 1932-1938. Modern Asian Studies, 53, 2 (2019), 483-511


Toye R, Thackeray D, Thompson A (2018). Imagining Britain’s economic future, c.1800-1975: Trade, consumerism, and global markets. In Thackeray DA, Toye R, thompson A (Eds.), Palgrave Macmillan

Guo VX (2018). Women and Politics in Wartime China Crossing Geopolitical Borders., Routledge

Vargha D (2018). Polio across the Iron Curtain: Hungary's Cold War with an Epidemic. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press

Hanley R (2018). Beyond Slavery and Abolition Black British Writing, c.1770–1830., Cambridge University Press

Emily Bridger, ‘Soweto’s Female Comrades: Gender, Political Violence, and the Township Uprisings in South Africa, 1984-1990,’ Journal of Southern African Studies, 44:4 (2018): 559-574.

Silvia Espelt-Bombin (2018). Makers and Keepers of Networks: Amerindian Spaces, Migrations, and Exchanges in the Brazilian Amazon and French Guiana, 1600–1730. Ethnohistory, 65:4, 597-620.


Toye R (2017). Arguing about Empire Imperial Rhetoric in Britain and France, 1882-1956., Oxford University Press, USA

Toye R (2017). Rhetorics of Empire Languages of Colonial Conflict After 1900., Studies in Imperialism

Toye R (2017). Winston Churchill Politics, Strategy and Statecraft., Bloomsbury Publishing

Thomas M, Toye R (2017). Arguing about Empire.

Curless GM, Thomas M (eds)(2017). Decolonization and Conflict: Colonial Comparisons and Legacies., Bloomsbury Academic

Eissa-Barroso F, Vázquez Varela A, Espelt-Bombin S (eds)(2017). Élites, representación y redes atlánticas en la Hispanoamérica moderna. Mexico, El Colegio de Michoacán


Marc-William Palen. The 'Conspiracy' of Free Trade: The Anglo-American Struggle over Empire and Economic Globalisation, 1846–1896 (Cambridge University Press, 2016)

Jackson A, Khan Y, Singh G (2016). An Imperial World at War: the British Empire, 1939-1945. London and New York, Routledge

Donington K, Hanley R, Moody J (2016). Britain's History and Memory of Transatlantic Slavery., Oxford University Press Abstract.

Ryan Hanley, ‘Slavery and the Birth of Working-class Racism in England, 1814–1833’ Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 26 (2016), 103-123.