Telling Case 1 year 3
Fantasy Narrative Writing with an Interactive Story, Padlet and ChatterPix Kids
This unit of fantasy narrative writing gives children the opportunity to bring together many of the compositional and grammatical skills developed over the school year. Using digital and traditional resources for writing, the children will engage in a range of activities over two weeks, leading to the development of their own fantasy story.
Digital resources used:
- The Bewitched Forest interactive story
- Padlet
- Chatterpix Kids
- Interactive White Board
- Chromebooks
- Ipads
Fantasy Narrative Writing with Year 3 Children
In this Telling Case, Year 3 children develop their fantasy narrative writing across a two-week unit of work. A range of digital resources and apps are used during the unit: Chromebooks to access a commercial interactive reading and story making resource - ‘The Bewitched Forest by Inspire Education’ as a stimulus for their storymaking; Padlet, a sandbox style resource for story planning; and an Ipad, to access an app called ChatterPix Kids to develop the skill of composing in the first person, and punctuating direct speech.
The class setting is literacy-rich, with wall and washing line displays of children’s work and a working wall for literacy. There is an interactive whiteboard displaying literacy tasks, objectives and prompts; and a flipchart for teacher modelling. The children have a Chromebook each for the project, borrowed from the school’s central store. There is a bank of Ipads that are borrowed from the school library when they are needed. The children sit in pairs, with some shared writing resources: scrap paper, dictionary, pens, pencils and rulers. Some children have literacy folders to gather written work on their desks; some children have their reading books on their desk. The environment is literacy and technology-rich.
Year Three class in a large, two-form entry, primary school, in a rural town setting
- Very experienced teacher (24 years) and Literacy Lead
- Two Teaching Assistants (providing 1-1 and targeted group support)
- Interactive White Board (IWB), learning wall for literacy, flip chart/ wipe board
- Chromebooks (laptops) used by all classes in the school and reserved for these lessons
27 children (14 boys and 13 girls)
- 8 children labelled as ‘pupil premium’
- 9 children with SEND (one with EHCP)
- 5 children with English as an Additional Language
- 60% working at age-related expectations
- 40% working below age-related expectations
Class writing targets
- Ensure sentences make sense
- Proof read for capital letters and full stops
Teacher observations about children’s narrative writing
- Some children struggle to generate creative ideas
- Reading skills are generally quite poor
- Some children struggle to imagine (in relation to composing)
- Some children prefer to be told what to write or to have ideas given to them.
- Some children struggle to work collaboratively; this has improved as the year has progressed.
- Teacher laptop
- Interactive White Board (IWB)
- Chromebooks (one per child)
- Ipads (one per child)
- Interactive learning platform: The Bewitched Forest – Inspire Literacy (free trial package)
- Padlet (free sandbox-style planning board/ timeline resource)
- ChatterPix Kids (free animation resource)
Activity Summary Table
Visit |
Timing |
Activity |
Digital resources |
Literacy focus |
Writing skills |
Digital skills |
Visit 1
45 mins |
Activity 1: Ebook Shared/ Guided reading using IWB and Chromebook |
Visit 1 |
50 mins
Activity 2: Producing an event timeline in Padlet |
Visit 1 |
20 mins |
Activity 3: Watching The Bewitched Forest introductory video clip |
Visit 2 |
80 mins |
Activity 4: Writing a diary entry in role (grammar focus) |
Visit 3 |
66 mins |
Activity 5: Reading for information |
Visit 3 |
105 mins |
Activity 6: Punctuating direct speech |
Visit 4 |
70 mins |
Activity 7: Planning and drafting sections of stories |
- Plan the structural features of a narrative using a planning scaffold
- Plan by noting ideas on structure, vocabulary of a given text type using a planning scaffold
- Compose and rehearse sentences orally, progressively building a varied and rich vocabulary and an increasing range of sentence structures
- Read aloud their own writing, to a group or to the class, using appropriate intonation
- Use paragraphs as a way of grouping related material
- Create own narrative with a setting, characters and plot
- Introduce inverted commas as the punctuation which marks direct speech
- Express time, place and cause, using adverbs, conjunctions and prepositions
- Use the full range of sentences within a piece of writing
- Check that sentences make sense and are accurately punctuated, including correct use of capital letters
- Correct key spellings using word lists and ACE dictionaries
- Use the first two or three letters of a word to check spellings in a dictionary
New vocabulary for this unit
- inverted commas
- direct speech
- To plan and draft a narrative from a given opening
- To produce a ‘Lost Children’ Poster (character qualities)
- To write a character description
- To write a diary entry
- To label a picture of a character
- To produce a storyboard
- To plan and write a set of instructions for making a potion
- To write about thoughts, feelings and emotions
- To practise writing dialogue using the correct speech punctuation
- Practice using Padlet to capture ideas collaboratively
- Class reading using an e-book resource: The Bewitched Forest – Inspire Literacy. This is part of a multimedia subscription programme that provides targeted literacy projects consisting of 10-20 ‘sessions’, including an e-book, interactive scenes and resources to promote reading and writing. Inspire Literacy is an immersive and interactive learning platform that focuses on the visual literacy of KS1-KS2 cross curricular reading and writing
- Discussion about magical and enchanted forests
- Discussion about features of fantasy narratives