Lesson Commentary
Class watch the resource’s introductory video clip together
The teacher explains that the next activity is to watch the resource’s introductory video. This explains what the children are being asked to do: to explore the bewitched forest; choose a creature from the forest; meet the wizard of the forest… to complete the story of the forest.
Children watching the interactive scene and making notes together
Children rewatch the clip and talk together and make notes about what they have seen
The children watch the film, twice, on the IWB (all together). The second time they are asked to make notes about what they can see and what they will be exploring. They do this in pairs. They are asked to talk to a partner to build a list of items for use in their story and write them down. The children watch the second time, chattering to each other and making notes on scrap paper. It is noisy and busy – but industrious.
Children make notes about what they have seen (and what they will be learning)
The teacher circulates and monitors – but isn’t needed. The children are really captivated, and busily write words that are being stimulated by watching the video.
Observations about enjoyment and engagement
The children are really focused and excited by this activity. The children shift their attention from being focused and solitary at times, to being focused but collaborative at other times. There are changes in excitement, through the morning, but focus remains.