About the Centre

Exeter Screen Studies Research Centre (ESS) encompasses an extensive range of research, teaching and activities undertaken across the broad fields of Film, Television and Screen Studies at Exeter. It is the hub for research activity in Film and Television Studies both within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and across the university.

The Centre organises research events, hosts guest speakers and fosters links between researchers at the university and external partners. Recent speakers include Charlotte Crofts, Richard Dyer, Catherine Grant, Michael Hammond, Patrick Keating, Murray Pomerance and Fernando Ramos (with the Centre for Translating Cultures).

The Centre also has strong collaborative links with the Bill Douglas Cinema Museum, the largest university research collection on cinema and popular culture in the UK.

We run a regular seminar series showcasing research from visiting speakers, colleagues working on film, television and screen-related projects from across the University of Exeter, and the research of our community of postgraduate students. Details can be found on our website under News and events.