Dr Georgios Efstathiou

Senior Research Fellow
Mathematics and Statistics

Georgios holds a NERC Independent Research Fellowship aiming to provide a step-change in our ability to predict high-impact weather events by developing a novel turbulence parametrization for the next generation, sub-kilometric Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models. He is working on pusing the spatial resolution of NWP models to finer grid spacings in order to significantly improve the forecast of deep convection which is associated with the most violent meteorological phenomena on earth. His research focuses on understanding the dynamics of convection accross the scales and the coupling of the atmospheric boundary layer with shallow and deep moist convection. Georgios is using numerical modelling to simulate the turbulent motions in the boundary layer and convective clouds in order to develop appropriate parametrizations for the unresolved scales in high-resolution NWP models.


Georgios' current research interests are: 

  • Ultra-fine-resolution Numerical Weather Prediction
  • Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) of atmospheric flows
  • Dynamic turbulence modelling
  • Boundary layer and mesoscale meteorology
  • Deep convection
  • Synoptic meteorology
  • Dynamics of heavy rainfall events and high-impact weather
  • Interaction of turbulent transport with the synoptic environment

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