Rebecca Lear

Rebecca Lear

Postgraduate Researcher
Sport and Health Sciences

Room 33, Haighton
University of Exeter
Haighton Library
St Luke's Campus
Exeter EX1 2LU

About me:

Rebecca joined Sport and Health Sciences in 2016 to complete a PhD in Physical Activity and Health under the supervision of Dr Richard Pulsford. Rebecca’s PhD investigates the influence of habitual physical activity on indices of vascular health. Her work focusses on the timing, pattern and volume of habitual activity and the impact this has on specialist measures of vascular function; a surrogate marker and early indicator of cardiovascular disease.


During her Undergraduate 'Professional Training Year', Rebecca worked as a Research Assistant at the Diabetes and Vascular Research Centre (DVRC). Here, she developed a strong understanding of specialist measures of vascular function and how this is linked to disease through investigating the magnitude of impaired vascular response in adults with diabetes and cardiovascular disease. During her Masters study in Sports Medicine, Rebecca developed a passion for physical activity and the impact it has on a huge range of health conditions. Her PhD therefore aims to combine these skills and expertise learnt at Undergraduate and Postgraduate level.


Rebecca also works as a Research Practitioner at the Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust working on both commercial and NIHR-funded clinical research trials. Rebecca works on a broad portfolio of studies including multi-centre interventional, observational and Phase III clinical trials covering a variety of different clinical conditions. However, Rebecca’s research specialism remains in musculoskeletal studies including physiotherapy / exercise interventions across different clinical conditions.


MSc Sports Medicine, University of Glasgow, Distinction

BSc Medical Sciences with Professional Training, University of Exeter, 1st Class.

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