Digital Arts and Humanities Strategy

The Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Digital Strategy for 2021-26 is articulated around 5 key themes, each with a specific rationale & vision, aim, and a concrete set of approaches which can be tailored to varying levels of investment. 

  1. Driving Digital Literacy 
  2. Nurturing Hybrid Humanists  
  3. Intelligent analysis of documents, artefacts and environment 
  4. Telling New Stories with Data 
  5. Addressing the Impacts of Digitized Culture 

Read the full strategy here.

Driving Digital Literacy 

Aim: Embed broad digital literacy training as part of all UG and PG degrees, encompassing both basic skills and ethics/philosophies of digital and digitized information. This will include critical responses to the digital society, as well as basic principles and methods for using and assessing digital resources. It will also guide students in how to communicate to potential employers the skills they have developed. 

Nurturing Hybrid Humanists 

Aim 1: Support humanities students who wish to make digital methods central to their career trajectories in acquiring key employment skills and capabilities through departmentally-run UG and PGT programmes. 

Aim 2:  Establish a generation of ‘hybrid humanist’ researchers at Exeter, able to bring domain-specific humanities expertise into multi-partner digitally-focused research and increase grant capture, by identifying new and emergent training needs, establishing supportive fora and conducting intermediate and advanced digital humanities skills training.  

Intelligent analysis of documents, artefacts and environments  

Aim: Develop a world-leading profile in the digital analysis and representation of historical documents, material culture and heritage environments, reinforcing our established strengths across the College through techniques including Data Science and Machine Learning. 

Telling New Stories with Data 

Aim: We will support Exeter staff and students to communicate their research in ways that engage multiple audiences through contemporary methods including data journalism, advanced information visualization, and interactive media, and games. 

Addressing the Impacts of Digitized Culture 

Aim: We will champion inclusive, ethical and sustainable practices in the digital realm. The DH Lab will lead on best practice in developing inclusive and accessible digital resources. Both educational and research practices within the College will emphasise the need for holistic approaches to digital resources and digital labour, including (but not limited to) issues of sustainability, accessibility and diversity in representation.