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EI Arts Laboratory (EIAL)


The Environmental Intelligence Arts Lab (EIAL) runs as a series of workshops, each session kicking off with a lecture and guided discussion by Harriet Poznansky to learn about different artistic approaches and how you might use them to explore your own research topic. Then there will be some hands-on time to try it out for yourself, with no pressure or expectation. The aim is to explore your own research through a creative lens and try out ways of communicating your ideas to a general public. Check out this video for a visual introduction and see the attached slide deck for more information. No art experience is needed. 

Food and drink will be provided and expect the sessions to be interactive and fun. The opportunity is open to anyone working on environmental and/or data-driven research, or those who are curious about those topics. You can attend one, a few, or all of the workshops depending on interest – but we encourage you to sign up early as spaces are limited!

› To sign up to the workshops and get them logged in your calendars, visit our Eventbrite page 

On the Eventbrite page you will be able to out find more information about the overall project and particular workshop schedules. For more information about Harriet and her previous work, check out her website

We look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.

Please note, it is not necessary to come with any prior artistic knowledge. This is a type of experimental training to develop visual and creative skills amongst scientists, that could be applied when working within different contexts in future, or simply open up an avenue of unexpected enjoyment!