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Dr Brittany Trew

Dr Brittany Trew

Conservation Scientist

 Environment and Sustainability Institute ESI 01.03


Environment and Sustainability Institute, University of Exeter, Penryn Campus, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9FE, UK


I am conducting research into the potential for microenvironment to mitigate the projected anthropogenic climate change impacts on biodiversity hotspots using fine-scale data with modelling packages developed by my research group (Microclim). I hope to demonstrate that the integration of microenvironment into projection modelling improves/alters vulnerability assessments of endemic species under climate change scenarios. Thus, we can identify critical areas for the conservation or restoration of hotspot habitat. I am supervised by Dr. Ilya Maclean and Dr. Regan Early

My broad research interests involve the application of conservation management and planning strategies in hyper diverse regions for current and future anthropogenic stresses like human-induced climate breakdown and land-use change. I previously completed a Masters degree in Biodiversity and Conservation at the University of Exeter’s Cornwall Campus, and conducted research investigating cumulative anthropogenic threats to marine megafauna in Equatorial Guinea; with focus on Marine Protected Area planning for the region.


2012 - 2016 University of Bath: Architecture (BSc Hons)

2017 - 2018 University of Exeter: Conservation & Biodiversity (MSc)

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Supervision / Group

Postgraduate researchers

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