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Soapbox Science is not just about the speakers. Without a supportive team of committed, enthusiastic people, a Soapbox event simply cannot happen. Each event relies on an animated team of up to 20 volunteers. Volunteers play a crucial role in rounding up the public, chatting to them informally about science, supporting the speakers by managing props and helping to calm any pre-box nerves (even the most experienced speakers get a bit jittery!) as well as handing out Soapbox goodies to lucky audience members!

Another important role of the volunteers is gathering data so we can effectively monitor the success of the event: volunteers carry out the bulk of our streamlined evaluation process, through interviews, observations and counting footfall.

We ask you to commit to attending the event. You’ll need to turn up 1.5 hours before the event starts for a briefing and training. You’ll need to stay until up to an hour after the event ends, to help clear up. There will also be a post-event celebration with the speakers following the clear up! We’ll send you a volunteers information pack beforehand, with the contact details of your local organisers, and details on what role you’ve been allocated and at what time.

Sign up to volunteer

To volunteer please fill in this form