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Flow cytometers

At EXCC, we possess two Aurora spectral analysers that are capable of high dimensional flow cytometry, as well as a Attune NxT for high throughput analysis. We also have an Aurora spectral analyser based at the Environmental and Sustainability Institute in Penryn. 

Imaging cytometers

We have 2 flow cytometry imaging platforms that combine the speed of a flow cytometer with functionality of a microscope, as well as a benchtop fluorescence microscope.  

Cell sorters 

EXCC operates several cutting-edge flow cytometry sorters for the purification of particles (e.g. cells, chromosomes, viruses) for downstream applications such as metabolic analysis, in vitro assays, omic measurements or single cell genomic approaches such as a single cell RNA sequencing.


We have multiple platforms to enable omics-based measurements of RNA, protein and other biological molecules.

Tissue Cytometry

The MACSima Imaging Platform by Miltenyi Biotec offers high-resolution, multiplex imaging of up to 400 biomarkers on a single tissue section with an automated and complete workflow. The MACSima enables analysis of biomarker expression and distribution of cells through automated segmentation within the tissue context, crucial for research in immunology, oncology, and neuroscience.