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How to submit your samples

Submission checklist

  1. Prepare your sample as described in Preparing your samples for sequencing. If preparing your own libraries or submitting cDNA, bisulfite treated or ChIP’d DNA please contact us before commencing any work.
  2. Log on to the Exeter Sequencing Service Portal to submit your samples/libraries.
  3. Please ensure you print off the page that is generated once you have submitted your samples. This should be delivered along with your sample.
  4. Deliver your sample and the printed page to Karen Moore (delivery address below)

Shipping your sample

  • DNA samples should be shipped in dry ice or by prior consent using frozen cold blocks in a polystyrene box.
  • DNA Material for long read sequencing should be shipped at 4°C.
  • Any RNA should be sent on dry ice, ensuring there is enough dry ice to keep the samples frozen until delivery. Alternatively, when a vacuum concentrator is available RNA samples can be sent in RNAstable tubes (Biomātrica #93221-001) in moisture barrier bags with desiccants (see Biomātrica or Cambio).

Delivery address

Dr Bryony Williams,
LSI Stores,
Living Systems Institute,
Stocker Road,
University of Exeter,
EX4 4QD, UK.

Tel: +44 (0)1392 726203

Please note

  • Samples are not entered into the queue for sequencing until they have been received by us and quality-control checks reveal no issues.
  • By submitting samples to us, you are agreeing to our Terms of service delivery.
  • If the sequencing facility undertakes full quality checks, concentration and molecular weight determination to obtain RIN or DIN scores additional charges will be incurred. 

Further information

If you have any queries that are not answered here, or would like to discuss your requirements further, please do not hesitate to contact us.