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Research and innovation

Internal Costs

The costs shown below are for internal University of Exeter users only and do not include VAT. 

If the payment comes from a non-University of Exeter account, VAT will be charged.

To arrange bespoke sequencing projects or for grant applications please email


Oxford Nanopore Technologies


Item  Cost Number of reads (million) Gigabases
DNA single library £ 275.30    
DNA 24 samples, native barcoding and pooling  £ 665.55    
DNA 96 samples, native barcoding and pooling £1135.51    
DNA 96 samples, rapid barcoding and pooling £ 665.55    
PCR cDNA barcoded library up to 6 samples £ 431.64    
PCR cDNA barcoded library, up to 12 samples £ 665.55    
LR 16S up to 12 amplicon libraries £ 275.30    
LR 16S up to 96 amplicon libraries £1702.26    
Direct RNA library, from polyA RNA £ 275.30    
Flongle flowcell £ 110.74   0.2-1.2*
MinIon flowcell £ 798.53   8-20*
Promethion flowcell £1203.09 80-100 60-100*
Promethion access charge only, per flowcell £ 288.43    

 *The amount of data is dependent on read length and DNA quality 

Illumina Novaseq 6000

» More information about the Illumina Novaseq 6000

Run type Cost per flowcell run  Number of reads (million) Gigabases
SP Flowcell 50 base pair, paired end £ 2,640.37 650-800   65-80
SP Flowcell 100 base pair, paired end £ 3,529.52 650-800 130-160
SP Flowcell 150 base pair, paired end £ 3,771.97 650-800  200-250
SP Flowcell 250 base pair, paired end

£ 5,387.54

650-800  325-400
S1 Flowcell 50 base pair, paired end

£ 5,060.70

1300-1600  134-167
S1 Flowcell 150 base pair, paired end

£ 6,465.04

1300-1600  400-500
S2 Flowcell 50 base pair, paired end

£ 9,412.06

3300-4000  333-417
S2 Flowcell 150 base pair, paired end


3300-4000 1000-1250
S4 Flowcell 150 base pair, paired end


8000 2400-3000

S4 Flowcell 150 base pair, paired end,

flexible mode


8000 2400-3000


Illumina MiSeq

Read length v3 runs (20-25 million reads per run) v2 runs (12-15 million reads per run) Micro runs (4 million reads per run) Nano runs (1 million reads per run)
Paired-end 300bp £1,803.58 Not available Not available Not available
Paired-end 250bp Not available


Not available £ 474.18
Paired-end 150bp Not available £1,311.09 £ 549.21 £ 365.66
Paired-end 75bp £1072.57 Not available Not available Not available
Single-end 50bp Not available £ 948.37 Not available Not available


Illumina library preparation

 Library type Cost/sample 
Genomic fragment library £ 52.96
Genomic fragment library (low volume) £ 26.47
Genomic fragment library, PCR-free £ 59.68
Directional mRNA-seq (polyA) £105.60
Directional RNA-seq (rRNA depletion) £182.75
Small RNA library  £ 81.21
ddRADseq library* £ 52.96
Amplicon library £ 16.03

 * RADSeq licence permits library preparation for 'not for profit' research only and commercial applications are specifically excluded. 

In cases where users submit cDNA the standard genomic library prep charge will still apply. For RNA-seq if users prepare their own libraries using Service's reagents, the cost per library will be equal to the library prep cost stated above. In cases where users use their own kits and adaptors, no library prep charge will be levied.