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Research and Innovation

Project options

Standard application 

The Sequencing Facility is happy to advise on the library preparation and sequencing for routine projects to ensure the best solution for the project. We check the sample quality, undertake the library prep and sequencing, and provide a multiQC run report for the individual projects. Bioinformatic analysis is provided by agreement for individual projects and may incur additional costs.

Contact us for more information.

Advanced bespoke services

The Sequencing Facility will undertake projects where close collaboration with academics throughout the project may be required. This can involve applications advice, protocol development and optimisation where some or all of work may involve co-preparation of libraries.  Sequencing with bioinformatic support or analysis is included. These projects involve joint grant applications or may be commercially funded projects.

Bespoke projects are best discussed; please contact biosciences-sequencing@exeter.ac.uk to arrange a meeting adding 'Advanced bespoke services' in the subject line.