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DNA sample submission guidelines

Whole Genome Sequencing 

  • Sample Type: Genomic DNA (RNA-free) 
  • Sample Purity  
  • OD260/280: 1.8 - 2.0 
  • OD260/230: 2.0 - 2.2 
  • Quality checked on: gel or Genomic Tapestation. DNA should not be degraded. 
  • Recommended Quantity checked by fluorimetry (like the Qubit):  Samples normalised between 0.1 ng/μl to 40 ng/μl. The higher the concentration, the lower the number of PCR cycles performed. 
  • Volume: 60 μl 
  • Resuspension Buffer: Water, EB, or low TE (<0.1 mM EDTA) 
  • Shipment Method: Ice pack or dry ice, overnight 

Metagenomics (DNA PCR free) Sequencing 

  • Sample Type: Genomic DNA (RNA-free) 
  • Sample Purity  
  • OD260/280: 1.8 - 2.0 
  • OD260/230: 2.0 – 2.2 
  • Quality checked on: gel or Genomic Tapestation.  
  • Recommended Quantity checked by fluorimetry (like the Qubit):  Samples normalised between 4 ng/μl to 40 ng/μl. The higher the concentration, the lower the number of PCR cycles performed. 
  • Volume: 60 μl 
  • Resuspension Buffer: Water, EB, or low TE (<0.1 mM EDTA) 
  • Shipment Method: Ice pack or dry ice, overnight 

Amplicon Sequencing 

  • Sample Type: Genomic DNA (RNA-free) 
  • Sample Purity  
  • OD260/280: 1.8 - 2.0 
  • OD260/230: 2.0 – 2.2 
  • Quality checked on: gel or Genomic Tapestation.  
  • Recommended Quantity checked by fluorimetry (like the Qubit):  10 ng/µl 
  • Volume: 25 μl 
  • Resuspension Buffer:  EB, or low TE (<0.1 mM EDTA) 
  • Shipment Method: Ice pack or dry ice, overnight 


Nanopore Whole Genome Sequencing 

  • Sample Type: Genomic DNA (RNA-free) 
  • Sample Purity  
  • OD260/280: 1.8 - 2.0 
  • OD260/230: 2.0 – 2.2 
  • Quality checked on: gel or Genomic Tapestation.  
  • Quantity 




  • Volume: 48 μl 
  • Resuspension Buffer: Water, EB, or low TE (<0.1 mM EDTA) 
  • Important information: Avoid use of sample extraction methodologies utilizing phenol,  
  • Shipment Method: Ice pack or dry ice, overnight 


Nanopore Amplicon Sequencing 

  • Sample Type: Amplicon DNA (RNA-free) 
  • Sample Purity  
  • PCR product to be cleaned using e.g. Ampure XP beads (or equivalent), cleanup columns, etc 
  • Recommended Quantity checked by fluorimetry (like the Qubit): >200fmol 
  • Minimum quantity: 100fmol (see https://nebiocalculator.neb.com/#!/dsdnaamt ) 
  • Quality checked on: gel or Genomic Tapestation.  
  • Volume: 12.5 μl 
  • Resuspension Buffer: Water, EB, or low TE (<0.1 mM EDTA) 
  • Shipment Method: Ice pack or dry ice, overnight