
LEN members include staff from the University of Exeter and beyond, as well as Alumni, Masters and doctoral researchers. There is a group of core members, see below. However, staff and postgraduate students from the School of Education, from other departments across the University and external affiliates are welcome to join LEN. Please contact Dr Gabriela Meier

Core Members

Katie Howard  (co-lead)

Gabriela Meier (co-lead)

Dr Esmaeel Abdollahzadeh

Nicky Bremner

Will Katene

Li Li

Will Pearson

Dr Salah Troudi

Dinah Warren

Anita Wood 


Postgraduate Students

Name Programme


Lead Supervisor

Reem Abu-Shawish EdD TESOL Dubai (2016) Involvement of school teachers in educational decision-making in the State of Qatar Phil Durrant
Ruhina Ahmed EdD TESOL Dubai Metacognitive reading strategy awareness of undergraduate Omani EFL students studying engineering and accountancy Phil Durrant
Khadija Alamoudi PhD   Salah Troudi
Eman Aldosary EdD TESOL Dubai Using interactive whiteboards to teach vocabulary to primary children Phil Durrant
Issa Al Hinai PhD The perceptions and practices of post-foundation students’ technical writing at the colleges of technology in Oman Phil Durrant
Barraq Ali EdD TESOL Dubai iPad pedagogical affordances at the Foundations Program of the Higher Colleges of Technology in Fujairah, United Arab Emirates Rupert Wegerif
Iman Al Khalidi  EdD TESOL Dubai EFL in higher education: Designing an efficient and flexible model for a language course design at university level Phil Durrant
Omar Alsaif EdD TESOL   Li Li
Hana Alrasheed PhD IELTS as a predictor of the reading performance of post-graduate students at a UK university Phil Durrant
Younis Al Shabibi PhD Teachers’ roles in a collaborative online environment Phil Durrant
David Bish EdD TESOL Increasing the potential of ICT in language learning: A model of classroom integration of CALL through a micro-blended approach Phil Durrant
Dimitrious Boglou EdD TESOL Technology as a tool in creating and promoting new learning environments in TESOL Phil Durrant
Theodore Burkett EdD TESOL Dubai The use of frequency-based word lists in university foundation and intensive English programs Phil Durrant
Friederike Grosse PhD    
Irfana Hafeez EdD TESOL Dubai   Salah Troudi
Karmand Hamad EdD TESOL Understanding the situation of learner autonomy in a higher education context in the Kurdistan Region Phil Durrant
Duane Henning EdD TESOL Hyperpolyglots and self-regulation in second language learning Phil Durrant
Farwa Hussain Shah EdD TESOL teachers beliefs and practices in relation to the Curriculum change. It is a study about the change in the English language curriculum at the higher education sector in Pakistan Susan Riley
Muhammad Idrees EdD TESOL Effectiveness of CALL compared with a traditional method of English language teaching in a Saudi Arabian university context Phil Durrant
Sanaa Khabbar PhD   Gaby Meier
Krishnan Kumar PhD The effects of dictionary type on the composition writing of intermediate Japanese university second language learning of English Phil Durrant
Steve Kurowski EdD TESOL Dubai Measuring grammatical compliexity  Phil Durrant
Clive Lee EdD TESOL   Vivienne Baumfield
Benjamin Moorhouse EdD TESOL Experiences, perceptions and practices of student-teachers towards homework in the EFL classroom in Hong Kong. Phil Durrant
Gareth Morris EdD  L2 motivation Li Li
Shazia Nawaz EdD ESL students's identity as a learner and influence of cultural and linguistic background on their learning behaviors in and outside classrooms Fran Martin
Allan Nicholas PhD A dynamic assessment of pragmatic competence in Japanese learners of EFL: the act of requesting. Phil Durrant
Dewi Nuraini PhD   Salah Troudi
Rana Obaid EdD TESOL Dubai Investigating students’ recurrent failure in summative exams in the preparatory year in tertiary education in Saudi Arabia: Is it a vocabulary proficiency issue? Phil Durrant
Margaret Peat PhD   Jane Seale
Sasiporn Phongploenpis EdD TESOL Preparation of Thai student teachers to work in bilingual education in the framework of promoting bi-/multilingual competences required in the future ASEAN Economic Community Gaby Meier
Sari, Funny EdD TESOL   Susan Riley
Jamal Ramadhan PhD A longitudinal study of the development of Kurdish students’ English collocational knowledge. Phil Durrant
James Scotland EdD TESOL Dubai Moving towards self-regulation in the zone of proximal development: An exploration of the relationship between co-construction of linguistic knowledge within a learner’s ZPD and the longer-term linguistic and mediated performance of a complex grammatical structure. Phil Durrant
Muhammad Shah EdD TESOL The odyssey of professional excellence: A journey into lives of ‘highly effective’ TESOL professionals. Phil Durrant
Lelania Sperrazza EdD Dubai  Understanding writer identity in the United Arab Emirates Salah Troudi
Halit Taylan EdD TESOL  The language learning motivation of university-level students regarding L2 Phil Durrant
H Van Dongen EdD TESOL  Perspectives on implementation of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) in Dutch secondary education Phil Durrant