Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal
No. 38 (December 2021)

Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal        ISSN 1465-2978 (Online)

Editor: Paul Ernest



Paul Ernest  The Ethics of Mathematical Practice: Rejection, Realisation and Responsibility
Roberto Ribeiro Baldino & Tânia Cristina Baptista Cabral  Criticizing Epistemic Injustice: Rewarding Effort to Compensate for Epistemic Exclusion
Michelle Stephan and colleaguesEthical Mathematics Awareness in Students’ Big Data Decision Making
Daniela SteflitschWhy (Mathematics) Education in a Democracy Must be Critical Education
Kathleen Nolan & Shana Graham  Challenging what counts as mathematics: Reflecting on teacher’s perceptions of culturally responsive pedagogy in the mathematics classroom
Margaret Walshaw  Who Can Know Mathematics?
Adriano Demattè  On Student’s Ethical Relation with a Mathematical Written Text: Meaning and Empirical Evidence
James Drimalla  An Augustinian Take: The Loves of the Mathematics Education Research Community
Josh Markle  Enactive Hermeneutics as an Interpretive Framework in the Mathematics Classroom
Kathleen Nolan  Reframing Mathematics/Teacher Education Through Culturally Responsive (Disruptive) Pedagogy
Dionysia Pitsili-Chatzi  Mathematics as a social practice? Antagonisms as a conceptual tool for examining discourses
Johannes  Berggren  Conceptual, Extraneous or Other? A Configurative Review Concerning Mathematical Metaphors in Empirical Education Research
Wajeeh Daher  Convergence of tools, the Student and the Teacher in the Mathematics Classroom: Instrumental Genesis and Orchestration
John L Bell  Some Remarks on Current Mathematical Practice
John Mason  Gazing Mathematically: Seeing-As and Seeing-In
Jerzy Pogonowski  On the Invention–Discovery Dilemma
Yang Liu  Generalization and Construction Beauties and Philosophy in Mathematics
Hamlet Mikaelian & Anahit Yenokyan  The Problem of Formation of Moral Values in the Process of Teaching Mathematics

Aim of the Journal The aim is to foster awareness of philosophical aspects of mathematics education and mathematics, understood broadly to include most kinds of theoretical reflection and research in mathematics education; to freely disseminate new thinking and to encourage informal communication, dialogue and international co-operation between teachers, scholars and others engaged in such research and reflection.

Editorial policy. The editorial hand is used very lightly.  This is an international refereed journal which aims to stimulate the sharing of ideas for no reason other than an interest in these ideas and love of discussion among its contributors and readers. Please send any items for inclusion to the editor as a virus-checked attachment in MS Word or compatible formats. Many types of item are welcome including papers, short contributions, letters, discussions, provocations, reactions, or reviews. Graduate students are warmly invited to submit assignments and theses for inclusion in this journal, to make available otherwise inaccessible resources for the benefit of the research community in mathematics education and/or the philosophy of mathematics.

Format of submissions: There are no strict guidelines – authors are requested to make their submissions look like previously published papers – especially the first page headers etc.

Refereeing: All papers are submitted to peer-review on which basis the decision is made whether to accept, require revisions or reject.

Copyright Notice.  All materials published herein remain copyright of the named authors, or of the editor if unattributed. Permission is given to freely copy the journal contents on a not-for-profit basis, provided full credit is given to the author and the journal, and the integrity of papers is preserved.

Acknowledgement The journal is made possible by the generous support of University of Exeter Graduate School of Education STEM Research Centre. Special thanks are due to Jane Tanner and Jo Smithson.

Editor:  Professor Paul Ernest, University of Exeter, Graduate School of Education, St Lukes, Exeter EX1 2LU, U.K.  P.Ernest @  