Exeter Digital Enterprise Systems (ExDES)

The Exeter Digital Enterprise Systems (ExDES) group combines cutting edge research with a close relationship with the industry. Our research expertise covers a wide range of topics: manufacturing systems, industrial modelling, simulation and optimisation, Industry 4.0 technologies, innovation management and engineering education for XXI Century.

Exeter Digital Enterprise Systems (ExDES) lab

Exeter Digital Enterprise Systems (ExDES) lab is a key part of the engineering management research and education, training students to generate and implement multi-disciplinary, advanced, and smart engineering applications in a student-centred, and competence-orientated ways.


  1. An Industry 4.0 demonstrator (FESTO CP lab) which physically consists of several workstations and a universal robot

  2. A multi-platform simulation environment, used to simulate manufacturing, supply chains and logistics, markets, retail, business processes, transportation, and ecosystem dynamics:

    1. AnyLogic software platform – a simulation modelling tool which supports agent-based, discrete event, and system dynamics simulation methodologies
    2. Tecnomatix Plant Simulation – Discrete Event Simulation package, which is used to build a Digital Twin of the Industry 4.0 demonstrator

  3. Connected Curriculum package (provided by Siemens) which brings industrial hardware and software together into an off-the-shelf bundle that includes simulation environments, curriculum examples, case studies, and real-life problem-solving tutorials. It includes MindSphere – an Internet of Things operating system to test Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing related applications such as communication cyber security, cyber physical systems, and digital twins.

The lead of ExDES lab is Prof Voicu Ion Sucala.