Work with us

Be part of the latest innovations in structural engineering

Our reputation is underpinned by our major research grants and consistent appearances in prestigious international journals.

You can be involved in developing new standards for vibration serviceability by collaborating with us in a number of ways:

Our spin-out company, Full Scale Dynamics Ltd, has over 25 years’ experience in vibration serviceability, including:

  • Performing in-situ dynamic testing and long-term vibration monitoring of as-built structures
  • Simulating a range of design scenarios for structures including bridges, floors, staircases and grandstands, to predict vibration levels before construction
  • Checking the performance of structures using the latest design guidance documents and British Standards
  • Customising strategies and systems to create a bespoke vibration solution that works for you.

Find out more on our Consultancy page »

Our core capabilities are underpinned by an innovative, solution-led approach to research and testing. Our specialisms include:

  • Vibration control of structures
  • Structural health monitoring
  • Vibration serviceability of civil structures under human dynamic loads
  • Human motion and biomechanics

We are always interested in collaborating with industrial partners. If you have an idea for a research project, please contact one of us directly to discuss this further.

Contribute to industry-leading research and recruit the best employees at the same time:

  • You can offer funding and we will find an excellent PhD candidate
  • Or sponsor one of your own employees to develop their knowledge and skills by studying for a PhD with VES.  

Find out more about our PhD programme »

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  • If you have a structure in need of testing, you can offer this as a project for one of our postgraduate researchers to undertake as part of their PhD.
  • We are always eager to hear from companies interested in hosting a PhD student for a period of industrial experience.

Contact us for more information »