Professor Andrew Nicholas

Office hours

Tuesday (13:30-14:30)

Wednesday (9:30-10:30; except 4th Dec: 8:30-9:30)

Professor Andrew Nicholas

Physical Geography

University of Exeter
Amory Building
Rennes Drive
Exeter EX4 4RJ

Professor Andrew Nicholas is an expert on river science and is Director of Research and Impact for Physical Geography. Andrew specialises in the study of river and floodplain processes, with a particular focus on hydrology (river hydraulics and flooding) and geomorphology (sediment transport, erosion and deposition, river migration, floodplain construction and alluvial deposits).


Andrew's work has involved studies of both gravel-bed and sand-bed rivers in Europe, North and South America and South East Asia. His recent projects focus on the impacts on rivers of natural and human-induced environmental change (e.g., dam construction, sand-extraction, climate change). Methodologically, much of his work involves the development and application of numerical models, with a strong emphasis on the integration of theoretical and empirical approaches (using remote sensing and field measurements).

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