Environment and Sustainability

Global cross-disciplinary research addressing sustainability challenges through innovative and collaborative social science.

Transitioning to a just and sustainable society is one of the defining challenges of our time. The Environment and Sustainability research group undertakes cross-disciplinary and global research on the theory, methods, and policies that shape social and environmental sustainability. The research spans diverse fields such as geography, economics, psychology, environmental science, sociology, and political science. Research focuses on sustainability challenges across multiple spatial and political scales: collaborating with researchers and stakeholders from the Global South across Asia and Africa, Europe, and local communities in Devon and Cornwall.

We co-create solutions with civil society and decision-makers to foster sustainability transitions, build resilience, and envision sustainable futures. We advance cutting-edge social science methods, including ethnographic, participatory, and large-scale survey approaches. The research focus includes energy transitions; land use change; marine and coastal resources and places; deliberative democratic approaches; demography, public health and migration; and the core of sustainability science.

Research group leads

Group members

Dr Pamela Buchan

Dr Pamela Buchan

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

pb381@exeter.ac.uk Exeter

Dr Anna Cronin De Chavez

Dr Anna Cronin De Chavez

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

a.chavez@exeter.ac.uk Exeter

Dr Jo Hamilton

Dr Jo Hamilton

Lecturer - Environment and Sustainability

J.Hamilton3@exeter.ac.uk Exeter

Dr Helena Hastie

Dr Helena Hastie

Lecturer - Environment and Sustainability

H.J.Hastie@exeter.ac.uk Exeter

Sylvia Hayes

Sylvia Hayes

Research Fellow

S.Hayes3@exeter.ac.uk Exeter

Dr Sarah Redicker

Dr Sarah Redicker

Postdoctoral Research Associate

S.Redicker@exeter.ac.uk Exeter

Dr Oana Stefancu

Postdoctoral Research Associate

- O.Stefancu@exeter.ac.uk Exeter

Our research focuses on sustainability challenges at multiple spatial and political scales, working with researchers on common challenges across the Global South, Europe, through to key action research in Devon and Cornwall.

With partners across disciplines and world regions, our research:

Current research themes