Office hours
Mondays and Fridays during term time, 4-5pm.
Please e-mail Stewart in advance to arrange an office hour time slot.
Professor Stewart Barr
Human Geography
University of Exeter
Amory Building
Rennes Drive
Exeter EX4 4RJ
Stewart Barr is Professor of Geography at the University of Exeter. He is an environmental social scientist, specialising in understanding public responses to environmental issues, such as climate change. His research examines the mechanisms that drive high-consumption practices and the opportunities for promoting sustainable lifestyles, particularly in the field of travel, tourism and mobility.
Stewart graduated from the University of Exeter’s Geography Department in 1998 and continued his studies at Exeter undertaking a PhD exploring household waste practices. Building on this research, he worked for two years in the Department as a post-doctoral researcher on an ESRC-funded project entitled ‘Environmental Action in and Around the Home’. He became a Lecturer in Geography in 2003, Senior Lecturer in 2008, Associate Professor in 2012 and since 2015 is Professor of Geography. Within the Department Stewart undertakes research in the Environment and Sustainability Research Group and he teaches modules at all levels of undergraduate and postgraduate study.
Broad Research Specialisms:
Geographies of sustainable development: sustainable practices; behaviour change theory, community resilience to environmental change; sustainable travel, tourism and mobilities.