Anna Heenan
Anna’s recent work looks at caring responsibilities and considers how these fit within a legal framework which prioritises individual autonomy. She is also interested in international approaches to these issues. Her research themes within the network mainly focus on finances.
Heenan A (2021). Haley v Haley: family law arbitration and the new frontier of private ordering. Modern Law Review 84(6): 1385-1398.
Heenan A (2021). Neoliberalism, family law and the devaluation of care. Journal of Law and Society 48(3): 386-409.
Heenan A (2020). Neoliberal autonomy and financial remedy reform: lessons from Sweden. Child and Family Law Quarterly, (3): 263-284.
Heenan A (2020). prLaw and policy in modern family finance: property division in the 21st century [Book Review]. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 42(2): 274-276.
Heenan A (2018). An (un)equal start on the road to independent living: what does fairness mean in big money cases?. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 40(3): 362-365.
Heenan A (2018). Causal and temporal connections in financial remedy cases: the meaning of marriage. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 30(1): 75-88.