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Emma Hitchings

Emma Hitchings

Emma’s is currently leading The Nuffield Foundation funded ‘Fair Shares on Divorce’ project which aims to provide the first detailed, representative picture of the use of different kinds of financial arrangements reached by divorcing couples in England and Wales. She is also a Co-I on The Patches Project on parents and their children's experiences of separation and support. Her research themes within the network mainly focus on finances.



Hitchings E (2021). Reconsidering the Duxbury Default. Child and Family Law Quarterly 33(3): 275-294.

Lowe N, Douglas G, Hitchings E and Taylor R (2021).  Bromley’s Family Law (12th ed, OUP, May 2021).


Smith L and Hitchings E (2019). Professionals and partisans: lessons for family lawyers from a study of fee-charging McKenzie Friends. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 31(4): 343-364.

Hitchings E and Miles J (2019). Rules Versus Discretion in Financial Remedies on Divorce. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 33(1) 24-50.


Miles J and Hitchings E (2018). Financial remedy outcomes on divorce in England and Wales: not a ‘meal ticket for life’. Australian Journal of Family Law, 31(2): 43-80.

Hitchings E and Miles J (2018). Financial remedies on divorce: the need for evidence-based reform, Briefing Paper, Nuffield Foundation:


Hitchings E (2017). Official, Operative and Outsider Justice: the ties that (may not) bind in family financial disputes. Child and Family Law Quarterly 29(4) 359-378.

Smith L, Hitchings E and Sefton M (2017). A study of fee-charging McKenzie Friends and their work in private family law cases, Bar Council:


Hitchings E and Miles J (2016). Mediation, financial remedies, information provision and legal advice: the post-LASPO conundrum Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 38(2) 175-195.