Jess Mant
Jess is currently working on her monograph ‘Litigants in Person and the Family Justice System’. Her research themes within the network mainly focus on family justice.
Mant J (2022, forthcoming). Litigants in Person and the Family Justice System. (Hart publishing)
Newman D, Mant J and Gordon F (2021). Vulnerability, legal need and technology in England and Wales. International Journal of Discrimination and the Law, 21(3):230-253.
Mant J (2020). Placing litigants in person at the centre of the post-LASPO family court process. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 32(4): 421.
Mant J (2020). Working politically: combining socio-legal tools to study experiences of law. German Law Journal, 21(7):1464-1480.
Mant J and Wallbank J (2017). The mysterious case of disappearing family law and the shrinking vulnerable subject. Social and Legal Studies, 26(5): 629-648.
Mant J (2017). Neoliberalism, family law and the cost of access to justice. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 39(2): 246-258.