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Jess Mant

Jess Mant

Jess is currently working on her monograph ‘Litigants in Person and the Family Justice System’.  Her research themes within the network mainly focus on family justice.



Mant J (2022, forthcoming). Litigants in Person and the Family Justice System. (Hart publishing)


Newman D, Mant J and Gordon F (2021). Vulnerability, legal need and technology in England and Wales. International Journal of Discrimination and the Law, 21(3):230-253.


Mant J (2020). Placing litigants in person at the centre of the post-LASPO family court process. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 32(4): 421.

Mant J (2020). Working politically: combining socio-legal tools to study experiences of law. German Law Journal, 21(7):1464-1480.


Mant J and Wallbank J (2017). The mysterious case of disappearing family law and the shrinking vulnerable subject. Social and Legal Studies, 26(5): 629-648.

Mant J (2017). Neoliberalism, family law and the cost of access to justice. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 39(2): 246-258.