Russell Sandberg
Russell’s work has included research on the interaction between religion and marriage / divorce law particularly exploring the legal recognition of religious tribunals. Building upon the Social Cohesion and Civil Law empirical project funded by the AHRC/ESRC ‘Religion and Society Programme’, his work has included an edited work on Religion and Legal Pluralism (Ashgate, 2015).
His blog and personal website can be found at:
His research themes within the network mainly focus on relationships.
Sandberg R (2021). Religion and marriage law: the need for reform. Bristol University Press.
Sandberg R (2021). Subversive legal history: a manifesto for the future of legal education. Routledge.
Sandberg R (2021). Marital problems: the Law Commission’s ‘Getting Married’ consultation paper and non-qualifying wedding ceremonies. Ecclesiastical Law Journal, 23(2): 140-159.
Hill M, Sandberg R, Doe C and Grout C (2021). Religion and law in the United Kingdom [3rd Edition]. International Encyclopaedia of Laws Vol. 3rd ed. Kluwler Law.
Sandberg R (2020). Unregistered religious marriages are neither valid or void. Cambridge Law Journal, 29(2): 237-240.
Sandberg R, Doe N, Kane B and Roberts C (Eds.) (2019). Research handbook on interdisciplinary approaches to law and religion. Edward Elgar.
Sandberg R and Cranmer F (2019). The Council of Europe and Sharia: An unsatisfactory resolution? [Comment]. Ecclesiastical Law Journal, 21(2): 203-2012.
Sandberg R (Ed.) (2019). Leading works in law and religion. London and New York: Routledge.
Doe C and Sandberg R (Eds.) (2017). Law and History. Critical Concepts in Law. Abingdon: Routledge.
Doe C and Sandberg R (Eds.) (2017). Law and Religion. Critical Concepts in Law. Routledge.
Thompson S and Sandberg R (2017). Common defects of the Divorce Bill and Arbitration and Mediation Services (Equality) Bill 2016-17. Family Law 47(April) 425-451.
Sandberg R and Thompson S (2017). Relational autonomy and religious tribunals. Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, 6(1): 137-161.