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Fair Shares? Sorting out money and property on divorce

About the project

The overarching aim of the research is to provide the first detailed, fully representative picture of the financial remedies arrangements reached by divorcing couples in England and Wales, importantly including information on those who do not make use of the legal system to reach financial arrangements as well as those who do. Through the collection of survey and interview data from a representative sample of recent divorcees, the research will contribute to a better understanding of financial remedies on divorce across the whole divorcing population, not just a sub-set who use the courts to obtain a consent order or adjudicated hearing.

Research Team

Emma Hitchings (University of Bristol) (PI); Gillian Douglas (Kings College, London) (Co-I); Caroline Bryson (Co-I); Dr Susan Purdon (Statistician) and Donna Crowe-Urbaniak (University of Bristol) (Senior Research Associate)


Nuffield Foundation (2021-2023) (£285,078)

Project website

Fair Shares? Sorting out money and property on divorce